Did someone say... undercover?

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Three months had passed since we arrived at the house. We had changed some of the decorations and furniture to our own liking and our own trinkets and souvenirs. We went by the burrow every two weeks for a short update. But the house was still being watched, just like Bill's. Our home has an anti-apparition on it, only Ced and I could get past it. Due to the disappearance of the trio, the fall of the ministry, the order had been quiet for a while. We didn't get many assignments. Cedric had been a look out for a few times, if it was with Remus or with Fleur. I had been tracking movements of some death eaters, all paperwork and it was bloody boring.

"You got to be kidding me!" I grumbled and slammed my hands on the table as I stood up. All eyes turned to me. Cedric and I had suggested to hold the meeting at our house since it had not been discovered by those black hooded suckers. "You have not one!" I pointed at Tonks. "But two metamorphmagus. That means two people who don't need to Polyjuice themselves, and by those means can't be detected."

"No! Tonks is pregnant." Remus rose from his own chair.

"So?" Tonks challenged to my delight. "I'm not a porcelain doll, Remus." Hm, were have I heard that? I glanced to George, who tried and failed to hide his smirk. My own lips twitched before I looked back to Remus with a blank face.

"We can just sneak in, gather some information, and head back out." I glanced at Tonks stomach. "And if Tonks can't hide her bump, I'll go in alone." Tonks looked horrified by the idea of me going in alone, and she was obviously not the only one.

"Hell no!" The twins and Cedric shouted.

"You all have been too overprotected since this." I lifted up my shirt to reveal the rather large scar. The edges were in a faded black colour, and a few gasps escaped. "But I'm perfectly healthy." I let my shirt fall back down. In the corner of my eye, I saw the twins pale at the sight of it, and a part of me felt guilty for reminding them of that night. "I've been suck on paperwork since then, and if I don't get outside this house, I'll go fucking mental."

"Well..." Kingsley said slowly as he pushed himself up from his seat. "I think we better give her something to do." He mused, and no one interrupted, perks of being the unofficial leader of the group. Kingsley turned to Tonks. "What do you think?"

"It's feasible." She said thoughtfully. "Maybe a notice-me-not charm if it can't go away completely." She said as she patted her belly softly.

"I have two death eaters." Kingsley started and pushed two photos towards us in a binder. "That were killed yesterday evening. I even have their wands. They aren't missing yet because they were on a rather gruesome assignment." No one dared to ask what that inquired. "But they have to report back at the Malfoy manor in the morning." I picked up the photos and Tonks walked over, and her eyes scanned the photos like mine did.

"You better take this one." A little smile lifted up as I pointed at the heavy-set man with thick bushy eyebrows. Tonks couldn't help but laugh. "What?" I grinned. "It would explain the belly."

"You are not seriously letting a pregnant woman and a kid go into the belly of the beast!" Remus growled at Kingsley, but he didn't seem affected.

"I'm not a kid, Remus. Harry, Hermione and Ron are doing Merlin knows what! And they are barely of age."

"I couldn't stop them." He glared at me, but I just glared back. The rest of the room was quiet, eyes shifted between me and Remus. Cedric had his hand on the back of my leg.

"You. Can't. Stop. Me."

"Why don't you two try to change into them first?" Arthur offered, and he received a full glare from his wife. But he just looked at us.

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