I Can't Do This

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The playdate went great. Not that surprising as the twins could act as juvenile as the four-year-olds. While Teddy changed his hair to copy the ones' he's spending time with 80 precent of the time. CJ was more steadfast, always keeping the hair he had gotten from his father. He was a master in changing, but he didn't do it often. He usually only does it when he was playing a game with Teddy. So, besides the few colourful streaks in his hair, you wouldn't think he was a metamorphose. The kids laughed hysterically as Fred and George hung upside down from the horses on the carousel. I tried to reprimand them, but I couldn't help but laugh with them. We stayed the whole afternoon in the park. First long rides on the carousel, then ice cream at the little stand. The twins playing hide and seek with the boys in the woods and sliding off the slide in the playground.

When the evening fell, Fred carried Teddy and George carried a sleeping CJ in their arms. The sight was one of the most precious things I've ever seen. I secretly took a picture of the four of them before I stepped between them.

"Thanks for today. It was amazing, and the boys had a great time too."

"It was as much fun for us as for them." George smiled over CJ's head. "I think he likes me."

Fred and I grinned at each other before turning to look at him. "Yeah, he likes you. You did good, Weasley." I clapped his shoulder lightly. "We should get them home."

"Walk or apparate?" George asked.

"They'll sleep through everything, let's just apparate." I smiled. I took a hold of their shoulders and once they nodded, I apparated us out of the park.

Once we arrived at the house, I asked the twins to bring up the boys, which they gladly did. Andy smiled at us as we climbed the stairs. They put the boys down softly and I changed their clothes into their airplanes' pyjamas. The twins stood at the door as they watched me tuck in the boys. The kids turned to each other as they slept. I smiled as I kissed the top of their heads.

"Goodnight, loves." When I turned, my eyes fell on George's. There was a sparkle in his eye I couldn't place. "Let's head downstairs." I closed the door behind us.

"It's a shame they're going to be in different years when they start Hogwarts." Fred said once we sat down on the couch.

I shared a glance with Andy before looking at the twins. They had planted themselves on either side of me again. "They will be starting together."

"Weren't you due in October?" George asked.

"Yeah, but I gave birth early. He was born August 28th."

"That's in two weeks."

"I'm planning his birthday party. You can come if you want to, if CJ will have you." I laughed.

"We never say no to a party." George winked.

"We'll even bring entertainment."

"Oh, no." I looked between them. "I didn't invite you to bring something."

"We know." George said taking my hand in his. "But he deserves a great birthday. It's the first one he's having here in England. It should be memorable."

"With you there, I know it will be." I intertwined our pinkies together again. George blushed a little and a smile spread across my face. When I looked back to Fred and Andy, I saw them share a glance and a smirk. I glared at both of them but didn't let go of George.

That night, we planned CJ's birthday party into the last detail. Andy went to sleep not long after while Fred and George stayed for a movie. George didn't wrap his arm around me when I leaned back against the couch because our fingers were fully intertwined now. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and a happy heart.

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