The Unexpected

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"George?" Fred called out in their flat. After bumping into Guinevere, George had stormed out and apparated home. But George was nowhere in sight, he just heard the door of his room close with a bang as Lee apparated in the living room next to him.

"So, how is he?" Lee asked, looking at the hallway.

"Don't know, locked himself in his room." Then Fred turned to the hallway and yelled. "Like a freaking 8-year-old!" Fred sighed and walked to the couch, conjuring a bottle of fire whiskey in his hand. Lee sat down on the armchair across from him. He poured three glasses and handed one to Lee. They both chugged it down. As the burning in his throat cleared, he said. "Well, that was unexpected."

"You don't have to tell me." Lee huffed and leaned back.

"So, you didn't know?" Fred inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course not. I haven't heard from her since the battle." Lee frowned.

"Sorry, I thought you might've known something."

"No, I haven't. I wish I had." He rubbed his hand over his face. "I would've never taken you there, if I knew."

"Yeah." Fred looked down at the empty glass in his hand. "Why do you think she was here? Is she just visiting Andy?"

"Maybe. I know she visited Andy in the past. But if it was just a visit, why would she go to a karaoke bar with Harry? She would've spent all of her time with her and Teddy. That's how Charlie explained it last year, remember. I didn't know she was so close to Harry."

"I know they have written letters to each other, but not to what extent."

"You know that kiss wasn't anything, right? Just a spur of the moment thing."

"I don't know. It looked like that, but you also saw how close the two were..."

They were silent for a few minutes. Then Lee put his glass on the table and stood up, Fred looked up at him in surprise. "I better get going. I don't think George is going to come out. I'll see you on Monday, let George process everything. But Fred... I don't know what you two are going to do about Jenny, but I'm going to meet up with her."

"Yeah, course." Fred nodded as he rose from the couch, frowning slightly. "Don't worry about us. Maybe Harry can give us some information tomorrow at the burrow."

Lee clapped Fred's back before he disappeared from the flat. Fred downed the glass he had poured for George before he walked up to George's door, he knocked and waited, but no response came. He sighed and went to his own room.

The next morning, George didn't say much. He just got up late, showered, got dressed. As he drank a cup of tea as he muttered. "Morning." while he read the newspaper. Fred knew when he didn't want to talk about it, so he let him be for now. They floo'd over to the burrow earlier than they normally did. And Fred thought, that George wanted to question Harry or maybe Bill and Fleur, or Charlie if he was coming over.

Fred stepped out of the floor after George and followed him to the kitchen. George leaned down to kiss their mother.

"Hey, mum." He said quietly and went to sit down, staring out the window. She frowned when she looked from George to Fred. He just shook his head to her, saying to not ask any questions.

"Morning, mum." Fred kissed her cheek. "It smells delicious."

"Thank you." She smiled, but her worried eyes flickered to George.

Silence filled the air as Fred took a seat next to George. After a while it became uncomfortable, so Fred cleared his throat. "Who else is here?"

"You're the first ones. Dad is tinkering away in the shed; the others should arrive in about twenty minutes. You're here early."

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