The Goblet

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I decided to enter my name for the tournament at the end of October. The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students had arrived yesterday afternoon and were now the talk of the school.
Cedric had already put his name in, with a gushing Cho by his side. Lyra and Odin couldn't stand the girl and whenever she popped around at their table or even in the common room, they told Cedric they wanted some alone time, which was only partially true, since they often came to me in the library or in my dorm. It was hard for me seeing him with her, but it was for the best. Cedric needed to find out if his feelings for her were real and I... I had to find a way to move on.

Even though Cedric tried to keep de pda to a minimum, Cho always wanted to snog him in front of everyone or cling to him like glue. So, I avoided the couple most of the time. I went to sit with Lyra and Odin on the other side of the Hufflepuff table or even went to sit with the Gryffindors. Whenever my eyes found his, it tore at my heart and the look he gave me made it even worse. Whenever we were alone, which wasn't easy as Cho found herself a way into our common room every night, we fell into old patterns, it felt like us again. But sadly, that never lasted.
My feelings got even more confused as George was the one who could make me laugh with just the tiniest thing or tried to make me blush with his obvious flirting. I knew I loved Cedric, but I knew that my feelings for George were starting to grow in rapid pace, making it even more confusing for me.

I was now sauntering in the corridors alone late at night to put my name into the goblet of fire. The corridors were empty and dark, and I strained my ears to see if I could hear anyone come up. When I didn't hear anything, I slipped into the room where the goblet was being held. The flames of the goblet illuminated the room. I closed the door behind me and quickly took out a piece of parchment and quill and jotted down my name. I swallowed thickly before I crossed the age line, which let me pass without a second thought. I reached my hand over and dropped the parchment into the flames. It gave little puff where the parchment disappeared before calming down again. I nodded at the goblet and turned to leave to room. I was just about to open the door, when it opened from the other side hitting my nose. I was blinded by the pain and blood to see who had entered the room. It was only when I heard a familiar voice, I could make out who it was.

"Bloody hell, I'm so sorry Guinevere." Hands were placed on my shoulders and led me to the chairs on the side of the room. "We nearly got busted by Snape. We didn't know anyone would be in here."

"Can you just stop the bleeding, George? It hurt like a mother-fuck-" My eyes still shut.

"Right, right. Sorry." I felt the magic going over my nose and the bleeding stopped. I opened my eyes slowly and blinked up to see George, Fred standing right behind him. Fred smiled and waved his wand at her, making the blood disappear.

"Thank you, Fred." I gave him a grateful smile.

"You really got us curious." Fred said, leaning on his twin as he looked at me. "How do you always tell us apart so quickly."

"George's nose is a little more crooked." She smiled as she looked to George, who traced his finger over his nose with a frown.

"I told you I was the better-looking twin." Fred laughed at his brother.

"Your eyes are droopier." I pointed out, making George chuckle.

"Oi!" Fred nearly shouted, trying to make his eyes look bigger.

"You knew it was me before you saw us." George's voice a soft whisper. I smiled at him.

"We've been working in class together just the two of us for two months, I think I'll recognize your voice a mile away."

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