Dance With Me

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I was smiling to myself as I was situated between Cedric's legs, my back against his chest. Cedric was sleeping against the tree behind me as I flipped through my book. It's been almost three weeks since school ended, and we were young and in love. Going on dates, staying at home together and planning our trip around the world. It felt like a dream, and I was afraid I would wake up and it would be over. But Cedric's warm hand around my waist kept me grounded. His head was nuzzled in my neck, and I turned my face so I could kiss him lightly. I saw him smile, but he didn't wake, he just readjusted himself and me, so we were lying fully down on the blanket. My eyes found the sky and I followed the few clouds that drifted by before my gaze shifted back to the handsome boy, no, the man next to me. His hair had grown out since last summer, hanging a little over his eyes, curling in the nape of his neck. Seeing him, so peaceful made my heart skip a beat with the thought that he was mine, and mine alone, after all this time.

It's been three weeks of bliss, but now Bash and Charlie's wedding was coming closer, I could see the worry lines form on Cedric's face. He didn't say anything, and he understood how I had felt towards George, but I saw his fear. The fear if I would see George, I would drop him like a rock. But it couldn't be farther from the truth. Yeah, I still loved George. Maybe I always will. But how I felt for Cedric right now is more than I could bear. Every time I saw him, my heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty. When I'm with Cedric I felt safe, loved, happy and home. He never made me feel bad, he can bring a smile on my face just from one look. It took us years to get here, and I wouldn't let him go for anything or anyone. If he would ask me to marry him today, I would said yes without thinking.

So no, Cedric didn't have anything to worry about. Was I nervous seeing George again after all this time? Yes. But more so for his reaction of me and Cedric being together. Maybe he knew already, but I knew Lee wouldn't say anything.

I pushed the hair out of his closed eyes and leaned in, kissing his nose, his cheeks, his lips. "Wake up, love." I whispered. Suddenly, his arms wrapped around me and pulled on top of him before his eyes fluttered open. "You're lucky your parents aren't home." I chuckled as my eyes flickered to the house and back to the boy under me.

"Hm, lucky huh? What do you have in mind, Winnie?" He purred as he pulled me flush against him, our faces inches apart.

"Sorry." I gave him a quick kiss and pushed myself up. "We need to get ready."

"Ready for what?" He frowned a little as he pushed himself and leaned on his arms as I climbed off him.

"The surprise date." I smiled as I pulled him up. His arms circled around me again, his eyes dark. "But first." I leaned on my tiptoes and kissed him with everything I got. Cedric opened his mouth willingly and nudged me against the tree.

I was changing in our room while Cedric took a quick shower. My hair today was dark blond, that reached my mid-back, loosely curled at the bottom. I pulled on a navy-blue cocktail dress and went to grab my wand to help me with the zipper in my back, when two large strong hands pulled the zipper up slowly, his hand going over to my waist once it was closed.

"Hey, gorgeous." He whispered close to my ear. I smiled before I turned in his arms and saw that he was standing there in nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair and body still wet from the shower. The scar still prominent on his chest. "How is it that every time I see you, you get even more beautiful?"

"Flattery won't help me spill the beans." I chuckled as I wiped a waterdrop from his shoulder. He pouted like a little kid as he looked at me. "Go change, pretty boy." I shoved his chest lightly, making him step back. I hopped on his bed as I summoned my shoes. While I tugged on my heels, I glanced to Cedric in the corner of my eye as he went to pick out clothes form his dresser. His normally pale skin, now a little tanned from the summer sun. A dozen or so freckles scattered over his shoulders. Even when he pulled on a shirt, you could still his muscles under the fabric. He isn't just a pretty boy, the man was gorgeous!

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