Meeting Again

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      Alex Quackity never felt comfortable in his body. Especially when he hit puberty. The way his body curved and how his "man tits," (kms) as his brother calls them stuck out. 

That was before his parents decided to let him get top surgery and start MHT (masculine hormone therapy). This made him feel slightly better, but people at school still seen him as a girl even though he doesn't look like one anymore. 

This hurt him deeply as he wasn't one. Inside or out. He is a boy.. right

Well, soon he won't have to face those ignorant bitches as he is moving. To this place called... 

Las Nevadas.  

He lived there when he was younger, ge got bullied there too for being a hybrid, and 'developing early.' He was heavily bullied specifically by this kid named Wilbur, Wilbur Soot. 

He was fucking tall for a 8 year old. Alex wondered if that dickhead was still living there, because damn, he'd be in for a surprise. The way he looks now, he's totally different from back then. He's almost unrecognizable other than his short size and fair, tan skin.  

---First day at his new school---

He walked through the corridors, his hair stuffed into a navy blue "LAFD" beanie. He was wearing a blue Adidas hoodie with black jogger pants. 

He was looking at his schedule on his phone when he ran into this giant. He stumbled back, looking up at him. "What the hell!?" The giant screamed at him which earned him a smack in the face. 

"Don't talk to me like that, shit head." Alex said sternly, looking into his eyes. He realized who it was. Wilbur Soot. That dick head that bullied him for something he couldn't control all those years ago. 

Wilbur rubbed the spot on his face, looking at the other. "You.. look familiar. What's your name? Mine's Wilbur." He stook out his hand for Alex to shake it. "I- I'm uh.. Alex." He said, keeping his hands by his sides. 

"That sounds familiar too, but I don't know where.." He says as he spaces out, seemingly to be thinking. Alex knows better than to think that, that dick can't think. 

Alex watched Wilbur 'think,' studying him. He had curly brown hair that covered most of his face, he had a strong jaw, that was pretty hot if you asked Big Q. 

Wilbur had brown eyes that you couldn't see much of from his hair. He was wearing a yellow sweater with jeans and vans. Some redheaded chick runs up, hugging Wilbur. This caused both of them to be snapped back into reality. 

Q looked at her and seen she had a baby bump, or what he thought was one, he didn't want to be rude, so he didn't mention it. 

"Hey, baby-" Wilbur says as she stands on her toes, kissing him. Wilbur soon kissed back, passionately. Big Q felt grossed out as he headed towards his next class. 

--Quackity's POV--

I heard a lot of snickering when I walked in, but I ignored most of it. I seen a tall blond sit in front of me, right in front of me. 

I couldn't see over his tall ass. A little brunette came over to the blond, tugging on his shirt for him to get up. I'm guessing it was his seat, but that blond wouldn't move. 

The blond pulled the other into his lap, so now I'm guessing they're dating. This place is weird, while I'm looking around I don't recognize most of the people.. some I do. 

I see Nick.. George and Wi- Shit he's here too? He didn't have his arm candy with him. I look over seeing George heading over to me, he had a big smile on his face. 

He gasped when he got a closer. "Alex? Is that you?" I look at him, nodding. He pulls me into a big hug. "You look.. a lot different." He says, checking me out. 

I nod, looking down. The bell rings while he was writing something down, he handed it to me. I look at the little paper he gave me, it had his number on it. Boy, his handwriting sucked ass. 

I put it into my pocket as the teacher flapped her lips on and on about some kind of test they were going to do that day. But, guess I was excused since I just got here.. 

--Few hours later, 3rd person and not bc i got lazy--

      Alex was roaming the halls, waiting for his bus to be called since his parents didn't trust him enough to drive their car. He was on his phone, scrolling through TikTok. While scrolling he overheard a conversation that a bunch of girls were in. 

They were talking about a party that night at.. Wilbur's. Of course that dipshit was going to throw a party, look at him. 

His -832832 brain cells don't know anything else from sitting down and getting laid, as his (pregnant) girlfriend provides him with that proof. 

He found out that she was indeed pregnant when he seen her in Home EC, learning how to cook. Alex rolls his eyes, putting an airpod in and connecting it to his phone when that dick jumpscared him. 

"Hey, Alex?" Wilbur asked, taking the airpod out as Big Q, turned to him. "What." He replies as he folds his arms. 

"I'm having a party.. tonight and I was wondering if you'd want to come, with you being new here and all.." Wilbur says as his voice got small. Something about this, 'Alex' character makes him nervous. 

The way his eyes carved into his soul, the way his yellow wings stood by him, the way the little hair he could see covered his eyes. The way his mouth curved down when he was holding something back. It was truly mesmerizing. Alex nodded, "Go on.." He says as Wilbur, started to fumble over his words. 

Wilbur snapped back, looking at him again. "So what do you say? You could probably find a nice girl there, or just a simple hook up." Alex rolled his eyes. 

Of course this cummy bitch would think he was interested in hooking up with someone. Well, he was.. just not with a girl. Or Wilbur, definitely not with Wilbur. Ew, no.. unless he got paid for his.. deeds. 

(pffft im not foreshadowing) 

Wilbur seen Alex was lost in thought while his wings started to puff up. "Uh.. I'll let you think about it." Wilbur says while he walked off.

"Wait-" Quackity couldn't finish his sentence before Will was nowhere to be found. He sighs, looking down. I guess he has to ask his parents before attending this party now. 

lmk if i should continue

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