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     Alex decided to skip the rest of the school day and go home. Sure, his parent's did get mad when he walked through the door at 12. 

But they got over it when he told them why he came home so early. 

He was stressed to say the lease. First, he finds out he's getting married against his will. Second, he finds out it's Wilbur. Third, he's going to be a stepdad. 

This is moving all too quick for him. He was practically melting down in his room. He was thinking about every single thing that has lead up to his point. 

He regrets ever agreeing to move back here. He didn't think he'd become a stepdad, he didn't think he'd be getting married.

Especially not so soon. He hasn't even been here for a month! Yet here he is getting married soon, soon to be a dad.

He looked at his phone, it was 4, school was out. Wilbur called him shortly after.

He decided to pick up to see what he had to say. "What do you want?" He sounded like he's been crying. "Alex, I want you to spend the night at my house. Please?" Alex had a lump in his throat when Wilbur asked.

Alex hummed before sighing. "I'll ask my parents." Alex walked downstairs. 

"Moooom.." He walked straight into her arms. "What's wrong, honey?" She asked while petting his head. "He wants to know if I can sleep at his house for the night." 

She looked over at her husband and nodded. "That sounds nice, you two can get to know each other." 

Alex groaned and went to tell Wilbur. "She said I could." He grumbled disappointingly. Wilbur smiled. "I'll come pick you up soon, Alex." 

Alex groaned once more before hanging up. He pushed himself off his bed to get a bag packed for the night. 

He threw in some boxers, basketball shorts and a tank top because he's a really hot sleeper. He also threw in his toothbrush and toothpaste followed along with his phone charger and his own pillow. 

He heard a honk outside his door. "Jesus, is he here already? That's scary." 

Alex looked out his window and sure enough, it was Wilbur, out in his driveway. Alex walked down the stairs. "Bye, Mom I'll see you tomorrow." She kissed his forehead as he walked out and waved to him. 

He walked to Wilbur's car, in a bad mood from today. It sure was rough. Alex plopped in the passenger's seat with his arms crossed.

"So.. how was your day?" Wilbur asked in an attempt to start small talk. "Fucking horrible." Alex replied watching the scenery out of the window. Wilbur sighed, nodding.

--At Wilbur's House-- 

Wilbur pulled into the driveway and got out. He was soon followed by Alex. He opened the front door for him and Alex gave him a weird look while he walked in. 

Wilbur closed the door behind them and slipped his hand into Alex's. The strange thing is, is that he didn't pull away from his touch. 

Will then to Alex upstairs to his room. "This is where we'll be sleeping tonight." He said. 

"Oh.. alright. You have a pretty big bed.." Alex was observing the room as he'll be staying the night. He was trying to get used to it when Wilbur's hand pulled away from his and took his bag.

Wilbur sat the bag next to the bed and started to look through it. "Hey!" Alex called out tackling Wilbur. "Don't look through my shit!" He yelped as him and Wilbur 'fought' but Wilbur didn't try very hard.

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