Sleepover ehehe

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     Alex went upstairs, George and Sapnap went to the kitchen to raid it. He was searching for Karl's room for something when everyone felt a breeze throughout the house.

 Karl went to see who opened the front door and stood there was Wilbur. 

Did he follow the boys back to Karl's? Was he invited? Big Q ran back downstairs to see what happened. 

He stopped when he seen Wilbur's figure in front of the door. Alex stood on the stairs, staring at him. Wilbur walked in, looking around. Karl looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked as Wilbur made his way to the living room. 

"I heard there was a sleepover, so I'm joining." Alex watched as Wilbur invited himself to the party. 

Alex walked back up. A few minutes, probably 10 or so pass by when the rest of the party comes up to Karl's room. Wilbur looked at Big Q with a disgusted look. 

Maybe it was because he was drunk and stumbling over everything and half asleep. 

Or maybe he knows his secret. 

Whatever it was, Alex didn't let it bother him. He laid down on the blanket he had on the floor, trying to fall asleep. It was hard from the other boys who were playing some games, but he did eventually fall asleep. 

When he was asleep his parents were texting him about the business that they've been running for a few years now. 

They've been running an electric company for 3 years now, they have done good for the first year, but since they relocated to a bigger city, there's more competition. 

So in order for the business to seem good, they've collaborated with another company. 

But Alex won't find out in the morning their plans. 

 (Short chapter and definitely not bc im lazy erm) 

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