Explain Yourself

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     Alex stormed into his house where he was greeted with his parents on the couch. 

They were on the phone with which he assumed to be the owner of the other company. "Dad! Why would you do that!?" He yelled despite them being on the phone. 

His mom put one finger up to her lip as she walked over to him. She cupped his face, looking at him. 

"Baby, I'm so sorry but we think it'd be the best for you and our business." She said trying to comfort  him. 

He wasn't buying it and started to cry again. "So marrying off your child is the best option!?" He yelled again. "Baby, shh.. We'll talk more later, go back to bed it's really late." He gave her a dirty look before heading up to his room while crying.

He didn't want to get married to someone he didn't know, yet get married at all! He was only in High School, he can't take care of himself hardly let alone a family he might start. 

His father called him down, so he went down to the lounge very slowly, not wanting to face his parents. 

His dad sighed. "Alex, sit down." He sat across from his father, his arms crossed. He didn't even want to talk to him, let alone be in the same room at the time. 

His dad rubbed his temple with two of his fingers, sighing. "The guy is in your grade, you might know him too. So it's not all that bad, right?"

Alex's stomach dropped. That's even worse, kids at his school would find out and he'd never hear the end of it. Alex, the transgender gay! The kids there would bully him so hard. 

All because his parents want a 'good company.' 

They didn't even ask him, they didn't even try to get his approval first. Alex was heartbroken from this. His own PARENTS betrayed him like this. 

"His father is paying us a lot of money to have this done, and in 4 years if it doesn't work out, you two can divorce, that's the agreement we came to." 

Alex sighed, shaking his head. "4 years with a guy I don't even know?" He felt his heart break even more.

 His dad sighed. "Alex, I'm sorry, I truly am. B-" Alex yelled at his father, which is something he never did before. 

His mother went wide eyed as she started to take her flip-flop off. Alex seen this and started to apologize. 

"When.. When is it?" He asked. "The.. wedding?" He clarified. 

His dad knew the answer to it. "It's in a week."

"A WEEK?" He yelled again. "You're hardly giving me any time to prepare!" He tried to reason with him, but he wasn't budging. 

"Alex, he's rich, I'm sure you'll adjust to it. He could buy you everything you've ever wanted and his father is finding you a house after the honeymoon." Alex's dad tried to make the situation seem better. 

Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mother wasn't even trying to help him out. But, there's no reasoning with them, he can't work his way out of this one.

So, he had to accept it. "Does.. the other guy know about this yet?" He asked another question and his father shook his head 'no.' Alex groaned, he was the only one who knows he's getting married.

The other person didn't even know about it yet for fuck sake. There's nothing Alex can do anymore. It's out of his hands. 

He doesn't have time to plan his wedding in 7 days. He's also refuses to be wearing a dress to it either. Why does this have to happen to him? It's always him who gets the short stick. 

He decided to try and get some more sleep so he headed upstairs when his phone started to ring.

There was an unknown number on it. Was it Wilbur or a telemarketer? Only one way to find out. 

He answered it and asked in a small voice "Hello?" A echo emerged from the other side of the phone that sounded a lot like Wilbur.

"Oh.. it's you, hey." He tried to downplay the emotions he was feeling at the moment. "Are you feeling any better now?" Wilbur asked with some commotion in the background. 

"Yeah, a little and where are yo-" He was cut off by the sound of a baby crying. 

Wilbur's child was just born and he decided to check in on Big Q instead of watching his child's birth? This new Wilbur guy is a little.. different than 8 years ago. 

Wilbur sounded panicked as a girl called his name. "I'll call you later, okay?" Alex nodded and whispered an 'okay' back to him as Wilbur hung up.

"That guy really is a father now, tsk. He's not going to do well." Alex scoffed to himself. 

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