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     Alex woke up to the sound of a baby crying. He's just going to have get used to it. This is going to be his new life after all. 

Wilbur was already up, feeding the baby from a bottle. Alex smelled something in the air, but it wasn't... liquids from last night, it was food coming from the kitchen. Alex sat up, looked down to see he was in boxers, but they weren't his. Matter of fact they were too big to be his. 

Wilbur turned around and smiled at him.

"About time you woke up." He says while putting the baby on his shoulder, patting his back. 

Alex rolled his eyes, standing up. "Who cooked?" Wilbur smiled again. "I did." Alex squinted at him. 

"I did!" He repeated. "Then what did you make?" Alex asked, heading out. "I made pigs in blankets." Alex licked his lips, heading towards to kitchen, or.. to go find the kitchen.

He eventually made his way there, and indeed there where pigs in blankets. Stood beside the tray was an old man with black wings, the same man last night that shook his hand.

He waved at him and got a hand full of the little sausages. Philza smiled at him. "You seem like a good kid, Alex." This caught him off guard while he was stuffing his face.

He was really hungry from last night. 

He smiled, or tired to before chewing the rest of his food. Philza waited for him.

"So... what kind of view would you like? For the house, I'm sure your parents already told you about it." Philza commented while taking another. 

Alex only responded with a nod of his head. Philza smiled. "Soooo, do you like Wilbur?" He asked with a teasing tone of voice and smirk.

This caused Alex to blush and freeze up. He started to stumble over his words. "I- uhm.. well?" Alex managed to get out.

Wilbur came down when Phil was about to ask another question. He didn't have Fundy with him.

Alex didn't question it and continued to chew. 

Wilbur walked up behind Alex and wrapped his arms around his waist.

This action earned him a smack across the face as the shorter backed up into the island, staring at Wilbur. Wilbur held a hand up to his face, staring back at him.

Wilbur tried to charge at Alex. Phil jumped in, holding him back. Alex didn't know what to do, he was shocked by what he did. His hands flew up to his mouth.

"What the hell was that for!? You slut! Transgender freak!" 

He kept yelling hurtful comments to Alex as he looked down and ran off to Wilbur's room to collect his clothes from last night. 

Phil slowly let go of Wilbur as he seen Alex's little legs disappear up the stairs. Wilbur chased after him. 

Alex was hurrying to get his shit on his body as Wilbur slammed him against the bed, causing him to hit his head.

Wilbur raised a fist as he heard his baby start to cry. His anger left him as quickly as it rose. He walked to the crib as Alex snuck out, running out of the house. 

When he turned around, Alex was gone. He called out his name but he was nowhere. 

Alex ran to his house, running in through the door, slamming it and then running to his room.

His parents were at the business, his brother wasn't home either. He was alone, just how he wanted. 

He started to cry. That's when his phone started to buzz. He picked it up, seeing it was Wilbur.

He wanted to apologize but he didn't want to Wilbur to hear him like this. He stared at the pick up button for a minute or two before picking up.

Trying his best to sound like he hasn't been trying he spoke. "Hello..?" he said while Wilbur said, "I'm sorry.. for pushing you and yelling at you, Alex.." Wilbur spoke hesitantly, not sure if Alex would believe it.

He hummed, nodding. "I'm... sorry too." Alex replied slowly. Wilbur smiled at this. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Alex hummed again. 

"Okay.." He regretted saying it as soon as it came from his mouth. The last thing he wanted was to see Wilbur again for years. 

He couldn't face him after what he did. Alex said goodbye quickly, hanging up.

He really didn't want to see him. He didn't want to marry him. He didn't want to be anything to HIM. HIM, WILBUR. Wilbur fucking Soot.  

The one who stood over him like a fucking tower, bullie him when they were just little kids. The one with the white streaks through his hair. The one with a son in High School. 

That's THE last thing Alex wanted, to be a father. Especially at his age. "FUCK." He screamed while balling his hand up into a fist and slammed it into the wall. He repeated this until there was a giant hole in it.

He slammed himself onto his pillow, crying. 

He cried and cried for hours until he fell asleep.

Tomorrow is just another day, for more stress filled adventures. 

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