Middle of The Night

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     When Alex woke up, the other boys were still asleep, leaving him the first to wake up. 

He looked around the dim room when he realized Wilbur wasn't there. So he got up to look for him, since he didn't trust him wondering around. 

He heard water running in the bathroom, the door was cracked open, he looked through seeing a half naked Wilbur sitting on the side of the bathtub. 

Alex blushed when he seen this but he couldn't look away. He watched the lean man's movements he made on his member, drawn in by it. 

The raven haired boy's cheeks grew brighter and brighter as Wilbur continued to huff while jerking off. Alex had enough time to examine everything about him.

From the white streaks in his hair that he's always had since they were little kids to his dick with the soft pink tip and veins that were sticking out. 

Alex watched as the other finished in his hand. The little duck gasped which earned a look from the other.  

Wilbur wiped his hand off and got up, walking towards the door. 

Alex ran off to the room but it was too late. Wilbur poked his head out, seeing the yellow feathers turn around the corner. 

Wilbur smirked and ducked back into the bathroom to put his pants back on. Alex hid under the covers, blushing a bright red thinking about what he just saw. 

His heart was beating fast when the other entered the room. 

The moonlight from the window across the hall shun on the sleeping boys. Alex tried to pretend to be asleep but his adrenaline was pumping. 

Wilbur seen Alex's body shake under the covers. He walked over and laid next to him gently. 

Alex felt this, shivering. Will scooted closer, wrapping an arm around his 'sleeping' body. Alex shivered more.

"What all did you see?" Wilbur whispered in Alex's ear. He gulped, taking the blanket off his head, his blush noticeable even in the dark. 

"I seen.. some of it.." He whispered back when Sapnap jolted up, looking around because he heard talking. 

The two pretended to be asleep so they wouldn't get caught and have to explain themselves in the position they were in. 

Sapnap seen them, squinting at the two. He didn't think much of it before he laid back down, passing out as quickly as he woke up. 

Wilbur covered Alex's mouth when he seen Nick go back to bed. 

Alex gasped but remained calm as Wilbur took him to the same bathroom he seen him beat his meat in. 

The taller closed the door behind the two, locking it. Alex was bright red, hiding his face with his wings pretending like he was home. 

It didn't help that he was hungover either. His head was pounding, now he's in the bathroom with some guy he hasn't seen in 8 years.  

Wilbur had him pinned against the sink, looking into his eyes. 

"You seemed to have liked it, look at you. You're blushing like crazy." Alex looked away, nodding slowly. 

"I liked it maybe a little bit." He replied, looking down. This caused the one that was pinning him to lean in and kiss him. Alex gasped again, his pupils got big as Wilbur pulled away. 

The brunette smiled at Alex's reaction. But then, Alex remembered that redhead in his Home Ec. So he pushed Wilbur off of him. "You have a girlfriend.." He mumbled under his breath. 

Wilbur thought about it and sighed. "I never loved her and she's not my girlfriend, she's more of a fling that I'm forced to date because I got her pregnant. I have no real feelings for her." 

Alex unlocked the door and walked out leaving Wilbur and his dumbass excuses. Wilbur was this close to seeing how Alex looked undressed but Sally had to ruin it. 

Wilbur would do anything to see Alex's bare ass. Even if that means cheating on his Baby Mama. 

Alex sat on the blanket pallet he had on the floor and opened his phone. Soon, Wilbur came back into the room. 

He was reading through the texts his father was sending him about the 'collab' with this other company. He was furious about it. How could his parents make a plan like this without asking him?

He looked over at Wilbur who could see the anger on his face as he stood up and stormed off. 

He slipped his shoes on that he left by the front door, leaving everything else he had there as he ran off. Will followed behind him. 

"Alex!" He yelled as the duck ran faster and faster, trying to escape the problems. 

He hasn't even been here for a week how could they do this to him? He eventually collapsed next to a tree, crying. 

The brunette caught up with him, panting. "What's wrong? What happened? Did I make you uncomfortable?" 

Alex couldn't believe what was coming out of Wilbur's mouth. Did Wilbur actually care about him? That didn't matter at the moment anyways. 

Alex snapped at him, yelling "No." 

Will sat next to him. "What happened then?" He asked again as Big Q wiped his tear filled eyes. 

"My parents are arranging me to get married." Wilbur looked at him, feeling sorry.. "I'm..sorry. Why are they doing that?" 

"For our fucking business. They also said it was "the best option for me." Like what the fuck? I don't even know this person how is it going to be the 'best option?'" Alex was obviously very distressed by this. 

Wilbur didn't like seeing Alex like this for some reason. It hurt him to see the little duckling hurt. 

He didn't know why, but it just did. It broke his heart. He tried to pull Alex in a hug, but he smacked his hands away. 

"Just.. leave me alone, go back to Karl's. I'll see you at school or something." That's when Wilbur had an idea. 

"What if I give you my number?" He suggests as Alex groaned and gave him his phone to type in the digits. 

Wilbur handed it back to him before walking off. Alex sighed and went to his house to possibly get an explanation from his parents. 

(You're going to love the next parts) 

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