The Party

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      Alex was waiting outside for George to show up. 15 minutes passed and a white tesla with that same blonde driving from earlier today.

George rolled down the window. "Come on, Alex!" He yelled, signaling for him to come over. Alex walked over, getting into the back seat. He was greeted with a brunette with brown messy hair and two swirls on his cheek, he waved at him with a smile. 

Next to him was a tall guy with black hair, and a white headband. 

He was looking out the window. "I'm Karl," the brunette said as he was getting buckled. 

"I'm.. Alex." Big Q says as he crossed his legs being finished from buckling. The blond stepped on it, going to Wilbur's house. "George, I thought you said you were picking us up, not your boyfriend." 

George blushed, "Uh... well he said he didn't want me driving and uh" 

"Whatever, I heard enough." 

George rolled his eyes as the car came to a stop. For the entire ride George and Alex where bickering while Karl was asking if they were there yet. 

"Are we there ye-," "Yes, Karl. We are." Sapnap said as he unbuckled, getting out with Karl behind him. 

Alex got out, and George ran into his back. "You fucking blind ass." Quackity hissed as he walked to the house behind Karl and Sapnap. 

George rolled his eyes, fake crying. "You're so meAaan." He cried out. 

"Whatever." He pushed George in front of him, chuckling as the five of them walked in. There were a lot of people, you couldn't even move 10 inches if you wanted to from the crowded space. 

Alex tried to make his way to a somewhat open space. He ended up getting lost from his friends. 

He ended up in the kitchen, in front of a lot of alcoholic beverages. Big Q reached for one, taking a sip before coughing and setting it down. He looked at it, picking it up again and sipping. 

The same giant from earlier found him and turned him around. "Alex, you made it, and may I say you look.. good." Wilbur says as he spun Q around. 

The shorter rolled his eyes, he could tell Wilbur wanted something from him. But what? "Get to the point, dick." Alex mutters, yet still audible. 

Wilbur groaned before responding, "do you want to play a game with Sally, Foolish and some other people?" Alex thought, "what game?" Wilbur looked over. 

"Seven Minutes In Heaven." He came up with. Alex scoffed, "You're so childish, but sure, and as long as I can bring this." He held up a bottle of alcohol before Wilbur nodded and took him to where they were playing.

Wilbur sat next to Sally, Alex next to some guy he never seen before. New guy to him but after a few minutes he learned that his name is (sum kinda name idk). 

Big Q went on his phone while Sally spun the bottle. She got the kid next to him. They stood up and went into the closet. "While they do that, why do we have to wait? 

There's two empty bedrooms upstairs." A kid that seem familiar to the house said. Maybe one of Wilbur's closer friends? Wilbur agreed and the group forced Karl, who somehow got on the the other side of him. 

Karl spun it and got Sapnap, so they went upstairs to the spare bedroom. Some random spun it and another one.. so they also went upstairs. 

Quackity sighed, getting up. "Why sit around while they do that? We can do some shit." He said pulling out the alcohol he had in his pocket. "Who wants some?" He slightly yelled as people smiled and got glasses for the drink. 

He poured the drinks for some people. Wilbur looked at him with a smirk. "You're a party person, hm? You don't look like one." He said looking down at the other.

"Not really. I guess I'm just tipsy right now. Alex shrugged it off, smiling. Will looked him up and down. "You're really small." He says without thinking. 

Quackity's eyes narrowed as his voice gave off a serious tone. "Don't say that, you're just really fucking tall, giant." Wilbur scoffed. 

Q rolled his eyes and drank from the bottle in his hand. He looked over seeing Sally and the guy come out. Soon Karl and Sapnap came down the stairs with the other two randoms. 

Wilbur watched him, impressed. For something so little he sure can take some liquor. 

The two boys looked at each other then smiled which then turned into laughing. The taller hit the raven haired boys shoulder jokingly. 

Sally walked up to Will, hugging him and kissing his face. "Babe, not now." She groaned, pulling him away from the shorter guy. 

Q watched as they walked away. Wilbur had a look of sorry on his face as he waved towards Alex.

Big Q didn't bother to wave back, instead he drank the rest of his drink, putting the bottle down and went to find Karl to go back to his house. 

He found Karl with a group of boys. They were just talking and Q tugged on Karl's shirt. "Can we leave now?" Alex asks as his sentence was slurred and mumbled. 

Karl nods before saying bye to his friends, turning to Alex. "How much did you drink?" 

Alex groaned, massaging his temples. "Just like... 3/5 of a bottle of uh... what's it called.. Brongy? Something like that." 

Karl sighs, he knew what Quackity meant (Brandy). 

He got the keys out of the pocket and headed out to their car and while they were walking out Sapnap and George came up behind them to also hitchhike to Karl's for the night. 

Alex got into the back seat, slumped against the window as he texts his mother where he was going. 

She read it, but didn't reply. Sapnap took the keys from Karl and got into the driver's seat.

Everyone who was going (Alex, Sap, George and Karl) got buckled Sapnap started to drive.

Eventually, after like 30 minutes they pulled into the driveway. The four got out, then headed inside to hide from the cold outside. 

"Mom!" Karl yelled up the stairs. "My friends are here for the night!" He replied after his first word. She yelled down them a 'okay.' So the boys went to explore Karl's house.

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