"I don't want to..."

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     Alex woke up in the middle of the night, around 8 PM to his mother standing over him. "What happened? You look like a mess." She asked while moving some hair out of his face.

"Nothing happened." He replied while rubbing his eyes. "There's a hole in your wall, your hand has dry blood on it, something happened." She said with a serious tone in her voice.

Alex sighed. "I don't want to marry him.." He said softly. His mom looked sad, regretful even. 

"I'm sorry baby, we could try and negotiate it down to 2 years." Alex shook his head. "I'm okay, it's fine. I just want to help you two." 

She smiled, kissing his forehead. "Go back to sleep, okay? I'll have breakfast ready when you wake up in the morning." He didn't reply, he just watched as she left the room, getting on his phone.

He called Wilbur. 

He waited and waited for him to pick up, but he never did.

So he tried again.


No answer. 

Alex tried once more, this time he answered. "Hey?" Wilbur asked in a tired voice. Alex gulped, "Hey Wilbur.." 

"Mhm?" He hummed softly.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" Alex asked. "I dunno.. anywhere you want to, duckling." He mumbled under his breath. 

"Mmm.." Alex thought for a minute. "The... beach?" He suggested. "If that's what you want." Wilbur replied before falling back asleep. Alex tried to hold back a smile when he hung up.

He started giggling, stopping when he heard footsteps.

He turned off his phone and covered up to go back to sleep.

It didn't take him long before he was knocked out colder than the arctic. He slept like a rock for the rest of the night. No movement, no noises. Just sleeping. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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