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      While Quackity was scrolling through his phone, on Pinterest. He remembered that his old friend, George gave him his number, guess he might as well text him.

 After all, it's been 8 years since they last seen one another. He pulled the number out of his pocket, typing it into his messenger. 

Alex typed and waited for a response. He turned off his phone, turning his TV on. They say that watching TV in bed is bad for you, but he didn't care because you know what else is bad for him? Being in this hell hole of a city. 

He sighs, turning on something random for background noise as he closes his eyes, he heard a ding from his phone. 

George finally replied to him. I say 'finally,' but it was more like 4 minutes. Alex smiles, his first friend and his first text since he got here.

(now imma give them names over the text so you can differentiate)

It's been a while george

it has, how have u been? 

fine jst fine hbu

me too

Alex smiled at his phone when George's number popped up on his screen with an 'answer,' and 'decline' option. He presses the answer one. 

"Alex!" George's smile showed up on his screen, this scared him slightly. "Yes, George?" Q asked while turning down his volume, being slightly annoyed already and pointing his camera up. 

"Are you going to that party tonight?" Alex sighed. "I might, probably.. I am, yeah I am." Alex was going to most likely regret going to that party and have a massive hangover the next morning. 

Maybe he wasn't. But if he's able to get Wilbur's or some other popular kids trust while he's there, maybe he can control the school like how he's always wish he could. 

He sighs. "I could help you with your outfit!" George offers. Alex didn't turn it down, he was thinking about it for a few minutes. He sighs and agrees to George's offer. 

"Okay so the theme is uh.. lemme check." The other seemed to disappear for a few minutes, leaving Q with the background noise of his TV. "It's black and white he said." George came back randomly, again scaring Alex. 

"I don't think I have any good black and white clo-" Alex was cut off. "Nonsense. Just go to your closet and I'll tell you if your outfit looks good." 

Alex sighs, getting up and digging through the boxes on the floor. He pulled out a white button up and black jeans. He laid them on the floor and got his phone to show Gogy. 

George looked at the outfit, humming. "It needs those black suspenders. I know you have some I seen you wearing them today." Alex scoffed, "Whatever." He got his suspenders from out of under the bed.

"Anything else?" Alex asks, looking around not thinking the outfit could look better. 

"Hm.. white beanie. Do you have one?" Alex groaned because he has a beanie in every fucking color. 

"I do.." George smiled. "Wear that with it and a.. black tie. Trust me it'll look good." 

Alex got up to search for a tie and the box with his beanie collection. 

He found it and dug out a white North Face beanie, he replaced the LAFD beanie on his head with it. He soon found a tie for the outfit. 

"George, are you even going to the party yourself?" Alex asked while he was putting the outfit on. George chuckled. "You bet, I'm going with my bo- my good friend." 

"Sure, whatever you say." Alex rolls his eyes, looking at himself in the full length mirror in his room. 

He did look good, so did the outfit. He turned around to check out his ass, because we all know he has a GYATT. 

He was looking for some dress shoes but instead finds a box with a "DILLIGAF" fake tattoo on top. It'd go perfect with his outfit, and it'd be funny too. 

He leaves the room to get a wet washcloth to put it on his collarbone which was exposed from the way he left 3 buttons unbuttoned on his shirt. He waits for about five minutes before removed to cloth and the strip which held the tattoo.

It was perfect. He checked himself out in the mirror again, laughing. 

"Alex, what's funny? And where'd you leave?" George, who was still on the call asked. 

"I found a fake tattoo that says "DILLIGAF."" Alex says, showing George. "Uhh.. cool? But what does D-I-L-L-I-G-A-F mean?" He asks, being clueless. 

"It means, do I look like I give a fuck." George giggled. "That is like you, isn't it. ALeX" George was mocking him, but he didn't really care. He chuckled to George who fell off his bed trying to get up. 

"Serves you right, dick head!" Alex laughed at Gogy's shenanigans. "Shut the hell up, duck." George says getting up to change into his party outfit. 

Alex was able to find the dress shoes he was looking for and putting them on. "So do you want to pick me up or am I walking?" Alex asks while tying his shoes and fixing his tie. 

"I guess I'll pick you and Clay up tonight, then we'll go to the party. Does that sound good?" 

"Just fine, I'll tell my mom I'll probably end up spending the night with you." George laughed at that, nodding. 

"Alright, I'll tell mine too." They said goodbye and hung up, soon to see each other later.

Alex ran down the stairs. "MAMA!" He yelled out as his mother peered around the corner. "Alex, why are you so dressed up?" 

He smiled, spinning to show off the outfit his friend chose for him. "I'm going out to a party, this kid invited me and George is picking me up." Alex's smiled grew bigger as his mother nodded. 

"Don't get pregnant and be safe if you end up drinking." Big Q rolled his eyes. "If I do, I'll end up staying at George's, I'll tell you if I do, okay?" 

His mom nodded, hugging him as he headed out. "Bye mom," he called out closing the door behind him. 

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