Second Day

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     Alex couldn't get another wink of sleep that night, so soon enough his alarm started to blare in his ear. 

He smashed it with his fist, rubbing his hands over his face with a loud groan. 

He pushed himself off of his bed and ripped off the old clothes he wore to the party last night to change into something decent. 

He put on a black hoodie with his grey Puma beanie followed along with some baggy jeans. 

He went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror. 

He thought to himself "Who in their right mind would let their son marry me?" He sighed as his mom called him down for breakfast. 

He took his sweet old time getting to the kitchen, he wasn't in a rush at all. His mom handed him his plate of bacon with a biscuit. He ate it while putting his Sneakers on. 

Alex stood up as his dad came down the stairs, he didn't want to talk to him so he grabbed his jacket and walked out. 

He waited for the bus outside on his phone for 6 minutes. 

When he stepped on he seen the redhead with Wilbur and he was holding a baby. Something about them being together with a smaller version of that redheaded bitch made him blood boil.

Was he jealous? Pfft no. (Yes)

He looked at Wilbur, who caught sight at this and smiled at Quackity. 

Alex ignored him and sat as far away from them as possible. He was upset for almost falling in love with someone who has a child this young. 

He felt stupid for kissing Wilbur last night, or well.. for letting Wilbur kiss him. 

He liked that kiss and he was stupid for letting it happen. He knew Will has a girlfriend and he let it happen. 

Alex hated himself for letting that happen, a fool for thinking he had a chance. 

Wilbur tapped his shoulder and sat next to him. "Hey Alex.." He mumbled 

Alex looked at him with a dirty look. "I know you seen the baby but.. I'm sorry, really."

"Sorry for what? It's not like I knew you when it was conceived." Wilbur nodded. "True, but you seem hurt from last night and.." Alex turned away from him, shaking his head.

"Don't think about it, you have enough on your shoulders from the baby." He snaps back before Wilbur could finish his sentence. 

Will sighed. He wanted to tell Quackity that he was the one marrying him. He found out last night during the birth of Fundy, but then things got carried away with a new baby. 

He couldn't just blurt it out in a public place like this, he didn't know when or how to tell him that they were going to be married in a week.  

He didn't want to upset Alex either, with him being a stepdad to Wilbur's child. He knew the fact that he's so young and getting married was hard enough on him. 

Alex looked over at Wilbur who seemed to have a lot on his mind. "Are you okay?" He asked while pushing the hair out of his face. "Well, Alex I-" The bus came to the stop, they were at school already. 

"I'll talk to you later." He says while going to his original seat to get his stuff. 

Alex sighed as he did the same, getting off the bus. 

--First Period-- 

Alex was spaced out in class, trying to take notes as fast as he could, but the creeping thought of married life kept lurking in the back of his head. 

Who is it? That's what was really eating at him. Is it a friend, a total stranger? Possibly someone he doesn't like?

Thoughts were completely flooding his mind, he couldn't focus a little tiny bit. Did the other person know yet? Or is Alex still the only one?

He was so stressed about it too, he barely got any notes off the board when the bell rang. 

When the ball rang Wilbur went up to him. "Alex, we really need to talk." 

He looked up at him, asking why. "Because we need to, come on." He grabbed his hand and Alex's stuff and took him to the restroom. 

Alex gagged from the smell. "It stinks in here, Jesus."

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "I couldn't tell you in the middle of the hall or in class." 

Alex raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Wilbur took a deep breath before holding Alex's face. "Promise you won't freak out, okay?"

The smaller one nodded, "Alright?" His voice was full of confusion. 

"We're.. I'm ugh.. I'm the one whos marrying you, you're marrying me. We're getting married."

Alex's face dropped. "Don't tease me like that."

"I'm not! I found out during Fundy's birth that's why I called you but I got caught up in the shit." Wilbur exclaimed. 

Alex was speechless. "We're getting married?" He questioned, he didn't believe it. 

Wilbur nodded, "Yes, we are." Alex looked him in his eyes "In.. in a we-" Wilbur cut him off. 

"Yes, in a week, Alex. Stop questioning it." 

Alex's eye narrowed. "But you have a girlfriend, why don't you marry her? She has your baby." 

He sighed. "True, but my father already paid yours to get us married, so you're going to be.. a dad practically."

"WHAT." Alex screeched causing people to look in the restroom. "I am not going to be a dad." 

Wilbur tried to quiet him down but it wasn't working. Alex eventually stormed off to his next class.

Wilbur didn't see Alex for the rest of that day. He even called him during break, but he didn't pick up. He didn't want to lose Alex, something about him was special.. He just didn't know what yet and why he feels this way towards him.

There's something about that bitchy attitude that draws him in. 

He'd hate to say it, but he's glad him and Alex are getting married because he couldn't stand Sally anymore. And he might've loved Quackity a little. 

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