Chapter six

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Wednesday's POV:
I wanted to do some writing whilst Enid was gone, but my desk is filled with printed photos. I attempted to read but i'm interruped to Enid's cries as she entered the dorm. "What happened?" I ask standing from my bed. "I- um" Enid cries. "Calm down." I say in a soft tone. "He broke up with me, Ajax, he-" Enid's sobs cut her off. I take her hand and sit her down on her bed, i didn't realise how nauseas her side of the room makes me. I sit next to her and she leans into my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her confused on if i'm doing this right. I don't comfort people, ever. She begins to calm down so i assume i'm doing something right. "You're touching me." She points out. "Would you like me to stop?" I ask. "No, not at all. Just suprised." She laughs catching her breath. We sit for a few moments as she calms down. "I'm sorry, i would've gone to Yoko but i didn't want to cry in front of everyone." She says. "It's fine." I reply.

A knock at the door interrupts Enid and I's game of uno. I hate these games, but she's sad so i made an exeption. "I'll get it." I say standing up to open the door.  "I think you've got the wrong dorm." I say when i see a man i don't recognise. I begin the shut the door until he uses his hand to stop me. I re-open it, "What do you want?" I ask irritated. "Is Enid here?" He asks. I look back at her and she looks mad. She takes over my roll of holding the door open. I take a few steps back, who is he? "You're back." Enid laughs. "Yeah, i heard what happened."  He says. "Who's this?" I ask Enid confused. "Oh just one of the new guys. I met him at yoko's."
"Well i hate to interrupt but we should finish our game."
"Can i join? Oh, and the name is Joe." He says.
"Um.." Enid says glancing at me waiting for me to anwer.
"We're fine." I say and shut the door.

Time skip- The next day

Enid's POV:
We have classes today so we can't do much on the stalker, not that we have anymore information anyways. "Walk with me?" I ask Wednesday. "We don't have the same class." She replies. "I like when you walk with me though." I frown. "I'll be late." "Fine, but if i get killed on the way, it's your fault."
I open the door for  us to leave and notice a boque of flowers on the ground with a note attached.
To Enid. I saw these flowers and they're almost as beautiful as you. From Joe.
"They're so pretty!" I say to myself. Wednesday walks behind me and see's the flowers. "Who are they from?" She questions. "Oh they're from Joe." I say.
"You like him?"
"No! He's cute but i only just got out of a relationship."
I roll my eyes and place the flowers on my desk. Wednesday and I parted ways to go to class. "Enid, wait up!" I hear a voice say in the distance. I look behind me and see Joe, gosh he's everywhere. "Hello my secret admirer." I tease. "Did you like the flowers?" Joe asks. I see something moving out of the corner of my eye, when i look i see Ajax with one of the new girls. We basically just broke up and he's already got his lips glued to someone else? "Enid?" Joe says and i finally look away. "Yeah, sorry, i loved the flowers." I smile, partly because of the flowers but mainly because i can't start crying. "I know a lot has happened, but i was wondering if you'd let me take you out for dinner." Joe offers. I was ready to tell him no, that i have a lot going on. Instead i look at Ajax then back at Joe, "Sure."
"Great, i'll pick you up at six?"
"Oh we can just meet somewhere, Wednesday doesn't like being distracted."
"I don't care about her, let me pick you up."
"Fine, but i warned you."
"See you at six, beautiful."

Wednesday's POV:
I hear the daily sounds of Enid getting ready in her bathroom. She didn't tell me exactly what she is doing, she just asked if it was okay that she made plans for tonight.
"How do i look?" Enid asks walking out of her bathroom. "Exactly like you bathed in super glue and ran through unicorn land." I reply sarcastically.
"I'm serious! I have a date!" She says. I swear i almost snapped my neck from how fast it span to look at her, a date? She looks kind of confused, i'm even questioning myself,
why do i feel weird about this? "Joe asked me to dinner." Enid says. Theres something about him i dislike.

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