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"You threw a fucking volley ball in my face Mingyu and you expect me to say sorry?" Wonwoo stroms out the hall, fuck this high school and more importantly, fuck Kim Mingyu he can't wait till he leaves Korea and never sees this 6 foot 2 gaint prick again. So tall yet every cell inside him is a fucking waste of space.

"You do realise that it was an accident but you purposely pushed me off the ladder so that I would fall into the gym matt. Wonwoo that's fucking petty apology."

Wonwoo ignored him why should he apologise? Even if he doesn't what is Mingyu going to do? Nothing. The alpha scoffed of course the boy would do that, it's just his natural defence to ignore. Mingyu thinks it's to make others feel less important. "This is why your boyfriend goes rolling about in everyone's bed but yours you're so fucking stubborn and an asshole you can't even admit you're at fault, you can only walk away like you do with all your problems Jeon." Wonwoo halts in his steps, his back facing towards Mingyu. If there was anyone that could press all his buttons at once it was Mingyu.

"You know absolutely nothing about me and it seems like rumours are getting out of hand now-a-days I know Kangdae hasn't betrayed me like that, does it upset you that much that every chick you fuck isn't me? Is that why you try to indulge in a conversation every time we see each other? even after I ignore you, it's like you beg for my attention only to piss me off, like you can't shut up because your ego won't let you handle getting rejected by the only omega who wants nothing to do with you."

Mingyu went silent but Wonwoo continued leaving the alpha's eyesight. "Fucking hypocritical bastard" Mingyu mumbles. Kim Mingyu was on the soccer team as a captain with a scholarship to become an accountant.

Jeon Wonwoo was on the Volleyball team scholarship to become a Japan. He was going to leave this fucked up place behind and be free.

Kang Ho's university of Japan, the world wide known university. Number 1 in the Russel groups of East Asia. Wonwoo was happy he flipped to the next chapter of his book of life, no more drunk Korean men trying to irritate him, no more high school, no more rumours, no more problems and most importantly no more Kim Mingyu, but he is glad the romance aspect of his life is continuing into this new chapter, its a fresh chapter but Kangdae is here he got into an accounting course to peruse his dreams, life was changing it was just the same story with a new setting, a new scene, a new chance to find happiness.

However, bumping into Mingyu in the restroom on the first day of his university was a realisation that the page may have changed, but the chapter he thought he left behind continued. It was frustrating and irritating that where he is...

Mingyu's there as well.

Maybe it's fate. Middle school, high school and, in a different country too, what a coincidence. Maybe the universe was fucking with him, laughing at his misery. "Well well well...looks like I have myself a little stalker. It seems you can't get enough of me Jeon."

The omega rolled his eyes in annoyance while washing his hands "Get over yourself Kim." the alpha scoffed at the response like it was the most absurd thing ever and stared at the unbothered omega who is ignoring his intestine gaze, solely focused on the task of fixing his hair. "We shouldn't bump into each other often given that we are on different courses and play in different sports. I have a shitty dorm and you probably don't, considering the pile of gold you sit on. You probably have your own apartment so it's good news, the more we stay away from each other the better. I won't hear a word out of you and you won't hear a thing about me." Mingyu smirked. "In my should have been like that from day one. My mistake though, I interacted with you fist all those years ago and now I live suffering with the consequences of my own actions." Wonwoo looks down and smiled but it was painful to hear if felt like there was a knife in his gut, he swallows his emotions refusing to crack and looks back at Mingyu though the mirror.

"Yeah, it is your mistake."

Wonwoo POV


Now what?

I pace around the dorm room provided for me it's decent but I feel strange that my kitchen is next to my toilet and my bed is next to the kitchen. I sigh, what the fuck have I got myself into? I am going to have to deal with it at least I have a functional kitchen and a double bed with enough space to shift on.

Should I leave? the idea immediately makes me feel lighter. I still have offers from Seoul university, Busan university and even Oxford all the way in England. I laugh and flop backwards onto my bed, boy am I kidding, I don't have the money to fly out. I'm being irrational it's not like I have to see him every day. Hopefully.

I mean am I really going to ruin my life for Kim Mingyu? No he can suck my dick for all I care. Its like I said we are unlikely to meet each other.

Oh I was so fucking wrong. my hope shattered as I see Mingyu, the alpha's apartment is on the ground floor opposite the local convenience store.

Mingyu found a fucking job there conveniently. He sits on a pile of gold yet he works? I could never understand, the only pile I sit on is debt and depression. What's worse is that this is the only store for miles and with limited cooking skills I have to come here for necessities.

On the bright side Kangdae lives close in couple corridors away and he is a good cook, shame he isn't in my course and is in the same course as Kim but at least he is here, lucky guy got the grades he needed. "Yah Jeon if you're gonna stare at the ingredients thinking, call your stupid boyfriend." Right...Its been almost a year since I almost dated Kangdae or something like that, at this point is it even dating? We don't do anything other than kisses and he has given me a few hickeys that's all. "Wonwoo?" I jolt at the hand on my shoulder my thoughts turn to dust as I stare at the most irritating employee ever. "Why are you following me?" Mingyu stares at me like I've grown an extra set of eyeballs on my forehead.

What a fucking weirdo?

"You've been staring at the eggs for over 30 minutes I thought you were stealing." I scoff why is it that he thinks the worst of me? this pea brained, narcissistic, small dicked, bitch.

"I'm not an ass like you." Mingyu clenches his jaw so hard that his teeth audible grinds against each other. "Listen here you need to keep you and your fucking Mackenzie valley wolf at bay you borderline look like the hyenas from the lion king movie, you freak." I pick up the pot of noodles behind me and a can of sprite. I walk past Mingyu as he says lowly "You seem so upset that Hyenas and wolves hunt foxes" I walk to the counter and slap a single note down before making my leave. "Keep the change Hyena." I don't understand why he keeps thinking I'm upset at everything like 'you seem upset about this and that' like fuck off.


"Kangdae?" The alpha smiled at me as I walked back into he dorm building with my food. See, this is easy this is nice two foxes one alpha one omega this is how it is supposed to be. It seems I just caught him before he walked into his dorm "What's up?" I smiled back "Nothing about to go eat how about you?" Kangdae smiled it was strange because he never smiles that brightly. "Ah you know? studying and stuff. Enjoy your food Woo, call me me if you need me." I nodded and left. This is our relationship, it feels like none of us want to be here, it is distant like two friends but Kangdae cooks for me from time to time, like a friend would, does he even romantically like me? That's a dumb question of course he does or he wouldn't try to always get me beneath him in his bed...right?

But I don't feel any less lonely than I was before, so where did it all go wrong? Was it ever right to begin with? Was it my first ever heart break where my first love and me had too many complications? Was it the loss of my parents and brother? Was it me being handed to my Aunt?

I know the answer to that question, but i'll refuse to acknowledge it. After all...losing someone you had a bond with isn't as easy as everyone says it to be especially, if it's futher than a friend. I sigh an place the bag on the counter, my hunger drained from me just like my life did all those years ago...I need sleep.

Sleep is the only time I can escape reality.

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