Change of Ink

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Wonwoo POV

"Don't act like you don't know what I mean, I found out!" I groan at the distant voice distrupting my sleep. "How many times will you lie to me just so I can bend to your will, what? Money? no I don't want your money Dad, no not even buying my a car will make me quiet! you lied to me both of you did." I groan, Mingyu should file some noise complaint about the neighbourhours bloody he'll they are loud.

"The point is my entire life I told you I like men as well as women and you've both made me feel inhumane about it, not only that but bribing my ex boyfriend and making him vunerable to fall into your trap, it makes me sick. Stop with the money talk! you want someone take your money it won't be me, maybe keep it and buy a more straight son so your homopobic asses can feel better I can't keep living up to these stupid expectations, I took up soccer and i'm doing accounting just like you dad..."

I roll anout and try cover my ears at the noise. "I obey you guys like a slave and I try my best to get my grades, I focus hard and when it is your birthdays or anniversary I spend hours making gifts even though I know you'll throw them in the bin that same night but I kept qiet hoping you'll see the effort of my work. I know you value other things and clearly you guys being homophobic won over the fucking child you birthed and raised. I hope the son with your mistress is straight dad, oh wait was I not supposed to speak? And to you mom...I am not even dad's child...why would this..."

I walk closer to the distressed scent of burning plastic in the apartment and legs ache but i'm able to walk plus I can't sleep if it smells like the kitchen has burnt down. "Why would you pressure me and do this to me? I don't want to end up like you two you're miserable dad doesn't even sleep in the same bed as you yet you're forcing me to end up like you, you had me with dad's older brother and dad has another family with his mistress...if you guys can fuck up my love life I won't hesitate to do so too Jesus said eye for an eye and You guys are really religious."

I try my best to compose myself about the infomation I just heard. "Gyu..." the alpha turned around eyes red and puffy and tears contantly streaming out his eyes, whoah my poor baby. "Come here your scent is, so...not good." I open my arms and Mingyu laughs a little. "You look adorable" I smile as Mingyu picks me up, "back in bed I wanna cuddle." I smile and Mingyu holds me close the smell of burnt plastic faddes slowly as I play with his hair. "Want to talk about it? you seem tense." Mingyu looks up and sighs. He holds me closer and takes a deep breath

"It started when my mum and dad had an arranged marriage, my uncle had a wife and my mum never knew she fell for him, eventually time came that my grandma thought she should marry into their family but it was my dad...mum found out about my aunt and she was devistated but she seemed to have an obbsession over him, she spent the night before her wedding one last time with her forbidden lover and in a spur of the moment they didn't use protection, the next day even though mum was sick on her wedding day she lied and said it was nervousness...she wanted no children in her loveless marriage but unfortunetly because of her actions she slept with dad, to avoid suspicion, dad was a virgin he didn't know anything so it didn't make things any better. Dad believed I was his child and by mistake in middle school I told mum that I wished dad wansn't my father she mumbled 'thank god he isn't' under her breath, she confessed everything after me nagging for answersand we promissed to keep it between the two of us."

Mingyu's breath shook with emotion. "I walked in on dad and his mistress going at it, since I was young I would greet my dad at the door when he came back from work and every day he slipped his wedding ring back onto his finger and payed me to be silent, I tjought nothinggof it, there was no love it was two people stuck togehter by a legal document until, things took a turn, eventually mum and dad seemed happer they were proud of me things were better, I even used to seem them watch movies and kiss, they were open about affection, that was around the time I met you. They were so presistent on women for me since it was like I fixed their marriage, they agreed on things stictly to do with me. I was the reason for them to get along. I had to be sporty and healthy, my skin had to always be clean, I had to be intellegant, I had to run the buisness after Dad, I had to marry an female omega wolf or alpha female wolf, they seemed so happy when you came along but I should have known. They ruined my love so i'll ruin theirs, I hope the worst for them but at the same time I can't stop the love I once had for them."

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