Cockled Paper

107 7 2

Wonwoo POV

In theese two weeks me and Kangdae have spent so much time together it's like he's flipped his entire personality for me, we have spent so much time cuddling and sleeping over at each other's dorms. It's strange because for the first time in ages I realised why I fell for him and why he makes me feel at ease. It's natural, it's instinct, I smile as Kangdae throws his arm over me as I try to get up. "It's 8pm Kangie. Hoshi is waiting for me we're having an omega only talk." Kangdae whines but lets me get up. "Why tho? I wanna watch anime with you Woo you know? Probably put on Howl's moving castle since you haven't seen it and have some noodles and relax probably add rice cakes to the mix too you know?" I smile and kiss his forehead. "I'll be back soon my alpha don't worry. Thank you for everything, these two weeks have been the best in ages i'm starting to anticipate spending time with you." Kangdae smiles before holding my hand. "I know...I am sorry about that I just decided I should step up my game you know? I have a cute, sexy, caring and one of a kind boyfriend and I am thankful it's someone as patient as you, someone that understands the instinctual need."

I change in the bathroom and Kangdae smiles at me before I give him a peck to say goodbye, his smile widens and he looks so happy. He's actually adorable, a different person it I feel like my romance story is finally starting. I smile as I walk to Soonyoung's dorm and ring the doorbell.

"Wonu!" I flinch at the loud noise but smile at the omega who drags me in and he instantly scents me, he's so cute sometimes even if he is older than me. "Soonyoug you're so clingy." the omega laughs before he hugs me tightly. "I am sorry i've just never had someone that wanted to actually be my friend other than you, i've also missed you a lot. I smile at him before ruffling his hair. "You're adorable." The tiger shifter laughs and I smile at him.


Hours go by like minutes and soon it goes from 8:15pm to 1:30am. The conversation flows like fabric in the wind and somehow it ended up with us both staring at the ceiling looking at the space pictures that Soonyoung's projectors are displaying, they rotate slowly but for some weird reason I am deeply mesmerised by it. "You know, me and someone I used to like did this all the time." I hum. "It must be sad that you're apart." Soonyoung hums back.

"It does and it always will, unrequited love stings and it stays with you, all that love people put into a relationship at least it was released from within you, even if you get a heart break. It's different for those who have been rejected it feels like the weight is all on you, the hope that's like good glitter inside of you turns to ashes after they've set it on fire. He was a cheetah shifter so we were bound to at least have some sort of understanding between us, well that's what I thought..." I turn to look at Soonyoung, he's never sounded so full of emotion, he must have never had anyone to talk to before "Tell me more." Soonyoung keeps his eyes on the ceiling and sighs.

"His name was Lee Jihoon we were friends since I was seven and I saw him become an alpha and when he found out I was an omega he hated it, we were fine before that we had sleepovers, we were practically attached at the hip then all of a sudden he started to look down on me and challenged me in ways omegas shouldn't be challenged like pheromones and dominance. His friends influenced him heavily and even his older brother Yoongi was against my entire existence he used to tell me he'd snap my neck if I came near his precious little brother, but Jihoon he was-he was different to me., it felt right even before presenting." I listen carefully to him, he must have bottled this up for ages "Eventually Jihoon's attitude to me was very hostile, he didn't want to talk to me, anything about my presence annoyed him but I was so blind to it. I fell in love before we even had our sub genders but he didn't give a fuck. It's not really a good experience when you're 16 and all alone and heartbroken, your only friend pushes you away and you have to just blend into the background, I asked him out, I grew a pair and told him I loved him and he pushed me down onto the floor behind school and spat his phlegm onto me. That night he told me he'd wish I would die and if I had killed myself he would laugh and be happy at my funeral, that even fate wouldn't torture him that much. That very night my birthmark vanished he went on with his life like nothing ever happened but I stayed completely in the shadows. I tried to at least but once you pass by someone they remember you and I was forced into lockers and most of the time they forgot I was there so I spent some nights there cold, uncomfortable and crying my eyes out, if I was lucky the forieng janitor Vernon would let me out and give me something to eat but he was old and had to take time off work. I was the talk of the shcool the stupid omega with the audacity to ask the most high demanded alpha to be mine, he was short blonde hair but eveyone looked at him like he was a king." I stare at him as my eyes water I feel for him Soonyoug just continues without a single tear in his eye. "The worst thing it he was my soulmate and I know till the day I die I will love him regardless of what can never forget your fist love, it's like the cut that always bleeds."

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