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Wonwoo POV

"Mingoo~" I walk towards Mingyu who's laying on the couch upset. "I have to tell you that the boys are flying here and since we're official I want to tell them you know? Our plans about the buisness." Mingyu sat up "Maybe tell them that we're together but not tell them what goes on in the relationship." I stare at him waiting for a response, Mingyu's sad face greets mine. "Are you okay?" I drop to my knees infront of him cutting the view between him and the TV. "In the movie the good guy got beat up by their dad and it reminded me of when I hurt you in the locker room because he did the same thing I did, I realised from a third person point of veiw, its bad." I hum listening to him. "And you know, I feel like shit because I used a little bit of my force and your jaw ached for 3 weeks." I smile. "I'm okay now I forgave you." Mingyu looks away. "I don't forgive myself..." I lean in and peck his lips. "'s okay we were pushing each others buttons anyways." Mingyu's face saddens even more before tears fall from his eyes. "But you never raised your hands at me to physically hurt me on purpose I did and now i'm scared that maybe we'll argue and I am gonna hurt you and you'll leave me."

"Am right here I won't leave Mingyu...I promise you won't hurt me." Mingyu sniffs as I wipe his tears. "You don't know that, heck even I don't know that, I could use full force and god knows what." I laugh. "If you do we'll work around it." Mingyu's hand ran along my jaw. "My omega.." I lean to kiss him again. "Your omega." Mingyu stares at my jaw. "My precious omega." I laugh before kissing Mingyu breathless. "Yours, only yours, I trust you and I know you may not, so trust me, I know you can do that." Mingyu nods his head before leaning to scent me as I gladly give him access. "You should let them know you're mine, oh! Wonu, Chan's friend Seungheol is an alpha and I thought that my friend was a fit for him. They're soulmates I was shocked when they both messaged me and told me. That's wild, I got them together." I laugh at Mingyu's enthusiasm and sudden change of mood. "I love you so much." Mingyu's smile agaisnt my skin made me sigh.

"Thank the lord that my omega is so soft hearted and always so fucking enticing in his tank top and cardigans." I smile. "Thank the lord that my Alpha has the softest, sweetest heart." Mingyu's face softens and he pulls me onto the sofa for me to sit on his lap. "You look so pretty when I place you where you're meant to be." I blush hard remembering the night when we were drunk. "You look so hot when you're under me." Mingyu raises an eyebrow. "So this is a fight for control or dominance?" I tilt my head confused. "No, there is not fight for that, we both know i'm on top." Mingyu scoffs and then leans forward to whisper into my ear. "We both know that you dream of being under me my little kitten."

I look at Mingyu shocked, how does...he know that? Is he a mind reader? " know?" Mingyu's hands run up my thighs and in it's presence goosebumps rise. "Oh Won...I erm, you moan, yeah you moan my name." I stare at him and laugh. "You don't know shit." Mingyu rolls his eyes. "But you do dream of me though right?" I smirk. "Sometimes it's other people with me." Mingyu's hands travel to my waist and he gips hard. "You mean you dream of having sex with other people?" I take a deep breath. "I smell jealousy, and no you asked me if I dream of you and I said sometimes, you didn't specify waht kind of dream, I dream of me and my childhood before I lost my parents." Mingyu's grip loosened. "Oh..." I lean to kiss hiss him momentarily. "I do have many dreams where I am under you and you're using my kinks." Mingyu smirked. "You mean the ones you wrote down in that notebook to 'keep track of my personal needs' that notebook."

"No've read it?" My eyes widened. "You kept it under your bed with your toys." I bit my lip. "I...t-that..erm, I was going to-" I hide my face in his chest. "They..." Mingyu plays with my hair. "You don't have to explain or anything I just like to know my omega before I can explore my omega." I whined at his words. "Why do you keep saying stuff thats gonna get me hot and bothered?" Mingyu's laugh rumbles in his chest. "I like it when you get hot and bothered." I groan.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't, you love me."

"We should really start cooking, we'll get hungry soon."

"But I am only hungry for you and this sweet cute ass of yours." I gasp a s Mingyu squeezes my ass

"Stop it." Mingyu laughs before picking me up and carrying me to the kitchen, after placing me on the counter he pulls out two packets of noodles from the cupboard. "I can't be bothered cooking an actual meal and your food is bland." I smile. "Okay...but I kind of want meat too." Mingyu pulls his phone out. "I'll order a meat dish and we'll eat it with the noodles together seem fair?" I smiled at the sound of that. "I like the way you think Mr. Muscle." Mingyu stares at me. "Why do you keep calling me that? I sound like the glass spray you use to clean the windows." I giggle. "That's not my fault its called that and that your bicep is as huge as my head." Mingyu rolls his eyes.

My phone loudly blares form my room and I jump down to grab it.

Incoming FaceTime video from young Tiger

I smile and accept the call. "Wonu~" I smile more and go to Mingyu. "Yes Soonie?" Soonyoung smiles at me his eyes disapearing. "I got your favourite food but you weren't here so I didn't feel like eating." I laugh lightly. "Go eat, i'm here." Soonyoung pulls the food infront of the camera and my stomach rumbles, holy crap i'm hungry. "Mingyu order some sweet and spicy chicken too...please?" Mingyu looks down at me and smiles. "Anything else?" I think for a moment before shaking my head. "So how is it in England? Do you miss us because Chan keeps crying saying there is no one to cuddle and he keeps drawing foxes he's acting like he lost his dad." I laugh a little at that. "Yah! Why'd you tell him that?!" Mingyu bursts out laughing as he he places his head on my shoulder wrapping his arms around me to see the screen. "It's okay my child." Chan turns to see Mingyu. "I'm definitely not your child, nor am I wonwoo's i'm just inspired by Wonwoo's fur to draw it's called art you know?"

"Wait lower your head, there's something in your hair." Chan tilts his head down to see if there's something there "You bow so well my child." Chan's fustrated scream made us all laugh and Mingyu's scent changes, clearly proud of himself for annoying Chan. "Fuck you guys, you wait when I come to England i'm going trash your apartment when I shift." me and Mingyu laugh at the threat till I feel the six pack kick in. "That's my best friend, you be nice!" Soonyoung grabs Chan's ear and he instantly starts bursting apologies. "Forgive me on behalf of the lord." Mingyu wraps his arms around my waist tighter and pulls me closer. "Wonu! am going to clean up, call you later." after we say goodbye Mingyu spins me around and kisses me. "I love it when you laugh with your nose scrunches and everything it makes me want to pamper you." I smile until my phone blares loudly again.

Incoming FaceTime video by Chan the child.

I answer it confused "yah Wonwoo! Look at him." I stare at the sceen of Soonyoung laying on his bed and scrolling on his phone. "Yah! We live together you can't do that!" I burst out laughing. "I'm tired Wonu understands that, let me sleep" I smile "Chan my child let him rest okay? the food is ready so we'll be leaving." Chan smiles and waves at the camera, the phone cut off when Soonyoung stood and launched at a terrified chan. "If we ever have kids I bet Soonyoung will spoil them and Chan will deceive them in thinking he was ghe most famous person alive." I smile. "You want kids with me?" Mingyu looks into my eyes.

"Anything, as long as it's with you."

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