In between our lines

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Wonwoo POV

Its been a month since Seungcheol came and since then Kangdae has stopped his fight to get me back and spy on me he must have found a new intrest. Mingyu has stopped pissing me off in fact I don't see him anymore it's like he was never here to begin with, there's no whispers about him or anything, even Chan and Soonie don't talk about him anymore. It's strange.

I sigh sitting on the park swing and stare at the stars that light up the sky although they're hardly visable due to the city lights. Its late and cold and my hoodie and jeans aren't exactly warm enough for me to stay out too long in but it's something, and now that my life has gone exactly as I hoped it would with no one to bother me I feel empty, I feel the need to take time away from university and relax, I miss him, I really do but I shouldn't.

I spent most of my life fighting with him and seeing him almost everyday to not seeing him at all, it feels foreign like he is supposed to be here, annoying me. Life has alsoe been tiring me out with essays and everything and I am not here for it. I've moved back to my dorm and got a new peephole. Soonyoung seems to sleep better and Chan seems so stressed because of exams and his struggle to understand Japanese. Then there's me...I just want to die to he honest end stress, worries and my feelings but I love sweat and sour chicken too much to die.

A week from now is winter tournaments and i'm stressed out i've been playing so bad since I broke up with Kangdae my mind has been a mess and I just want to sleep all the time and physically I feel so...alone I feel my omega cry for an alpha and it's not good for me, my heat could be soon amd I don't want it to kick in mid tournament. This is going to be my 11th without an alpha and I genuinely am scared the more I grow the stronger it gets, crying for a mate, or an alpha to claim.

I let the breeze hit my face before relaxing. Its peaceful and nothing can go wrong in your own peace.

"Found you"

Unless someone disturbs it. My entire body tenses as the words hit my ears. "Oh Woo, i've been searching for you." My heart pounds and I gulp as Kangdae's voice sounds so...venomous. How did I not hear him or smell him? was I that focused in my thoughts?

I choke as the hood of my hoodie presses agaisnt my thoat, a force pulling me backwards, I end up with my back on the cold floor. "We came here to teach you a lesson about respecting alphas." I look up to see 5 people stood above me. This isn't good, they could possibly do anything to me and that thought terrifies me.

My lungs seize for air as countless kicks and punches land on me my hands are held strongly by an alpha to stop me from defending myself, they force me to take the hits, I scream and jolt in pain trying to at least break free but its no use, my eyes prick with tears as something sharp hits my side and the feeling of blood pozes onto my skin running down my side before pooling at my back.

"That's enough lets leave him. We have a club to go to and a night to enjoy." My head pounds and I spend about 5 minutes on the floor panting and trying to control my distressed scent before looking for my phone that is cracked from the corner on the floor blending into the dark grass.

Where do I go? The hospital is far but...the convenience store probably has a bandage, that'll be my best bet at the moment, I wince as I stand, using the swing's chains to steady myself. I limp as pain shoots up my right leg and my left arm stings. Blood tuns diwn my right arm and I use my left had to hold my shoulder. Tears have already fallen as pain constantly shoots up and down my veins but I have no intention of wiping them away, my face stings and twitches but I find myself walking on memory to the store around the corner from the park.

I look up and find myself in the familiar yet foreign apartment building. Closing my eyes I use a lot of energy to lift my left arm and ring the door bell.

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