Cracked spine

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Wonwoo POV

He's after peephole fell off my door yesterday and the magnet I used to cover the hole has moved, he is actively trying to look into my dorm, i've been sleeping at Soonyoung's but he has caught on that I haven't been in or out my dorm so he tried to break open Hoshi's door at 3 am.

It is scary, i'm running out of time and Chan has offered me to stay with him since Kangdae doesn't know where he lives but it's only a couple doors down and he is bound to find me, the university has been contacted about his behaviour but there's no response yet, the police have been contacted too, they were called and they only say that he isn't allowed to harass us and next time there will be an arrest. He was just let off with warnings and no vandalism charges even though he has damaged mine and Soonyoung's doors.

We've called them 5 times now, they clearly don't care, sleeping feels like nothing I feel awake even when I sleep due to the fact I have to shift to keep my senses more advanced. Chan and Soonyoung tried to stop him he always tries to show authority by letting out stronger pheromones, Chan is a legend though because when Kangdae did make his phermones stronger he gaged hard and almost threw up, the scent was too much and so emasculating to Kangdae that he left, it feels like i'm no longer living, i'm surviving it's like hunger games, but that's how my life this past month has been full of hiding and avoiding him whenever I see him, or hear something that sounds like him. I'm always on edge and I can't afford to be caught since I don't know what i'm putting on the line, it could be my life. Chan's alpha friend is coming to Korea and is expected to fly to Japan in a day and me and Soonyoug are nervous because from pictures he seems really intimidating with big biceps and even his face is stern like he could kill you with his bare hands. Through the picture you can tell that he is feared and the omega's promises that he is nice is starting to...sound more empty.


"Wonu! Chan's here with his alpha friend~" I smile and walk out the bathroom to meet him. A strong alpha smiles at me his aura is powerful and instantly my omega is shocked, it's a little suffocating even for a first impression, it feels strange. "Ah, so it is you two have been keeping Chanie company when he is far from home, my name is Choi Seungcheol and I am a phoenix shifter, it's nice to meet you I may seem intimidating but I promise I really am a nice guy."

"My name is Kwon Soonyoung, i'm a tiger shifter and this is Jeon Wonwoo my amazing fox shifting best friend." I smile and shake Seungcheol's hands and we all sit on Soonyoung's bed talking about life in Korea and Japan, our faveroute things from our childhood and all sorts while Chan stays close to his alpha friend, almost like his inner omega is seeking comfort. "I am sorry to bring this up but something is bothering me and it is the fact that Wonwoo's sleeping here and the door to the dorm is damaged, now nothing against you two, it's the fact the door it' me a weird vibe, it's got an alpha's scent on." I sigh it's hard to miss the scrape of paint from around the lock area of the door or the fact that Soonyoung's door is metal and there's visible dents near the lock, Soonyoung has been supportive and he really doesn't mind but I feel terrible, i've put him in danger.

"I have a crazy ex boyfriend who is trying to either kill me or get back with me. He has consistently come at midnight every day so we'll hear him in about...10 mins maybe 5, it depends." Seungcheol's face went stern. "Ah okay...why did you come to Soonyoung's dorm? like do you switch between dorms? is it that Chan is in danger as well? or just the two of you?" I try smile though the awkwardness. "I was okay for about a week but my peephole fell out the door and he was actively trying to spy on me and eventually I was scared he would somehow get something to unlock the door from inside so I just came here. I know it bothers you Soonie but I am looking for other alternatives. Chan lives a couple doors down from him and living there is hard because avoiding him would be difficult, we tried calling the police but they keep saying the same thing so eventually we gave up. I am looking for places off campus but close by, to keep him thinking i'm at my dorm but i'm not. Chan's not so much Kangdae will try to get him to submit or get answers out of them about my where abouts but other than that, nothing much." Seungcheol nods like is interperating the entire situation, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched "It isn't really safe here it?" Soonyoung shakes his head before yawning tiredly. "Chan stay on peehole watch for a bit its 11:53pm." I turn to the other omega who looks tired, his eyebags have gotten bigger since I have come to stay here. I feel awful

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