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Wonwoo POV

"You know when you bump into someone you say excuse me dickhead." I spoke irritated. Recently i've been stressed it's been a month into university and for some weird reason my student loan won't be accepted so Kang Ho university want me to pay upfront. They act like I have the facilities for that. Essays are now being distributed as course work and on top of all that, volleyball practice has been intense with the preparation for winter tournaments. I can't catch a break. I feel like i'm growing older by the day i'm exhausted with all the work and physical exercise. My thighs hurt from practice and my eyes are strained from staring at this damn laptop screen.

"Whatever" the taller said, I rolled my eyes but contiued walking to my lecture to meet Hoshi well he tells me to call him that he's actually called Soonyoung, he's my new friend here in Japan he actually wants to be my friend amd he is somehow loud and very distracting so us getting along also confuses me but oh well, opposites attract I guess. "Yo! You do love me you have a tiger print jacket on!" I sigh. I can feel the throbbing in my skull at how loud he is "Soonyoung not today please, I have a headache." I rest my head on the desk and sigh loudly, life is going to shit day by day and all I can do to help it is fucking do the essays and deal with the fact my debt is increasing and my income is decreasing. "I heard that you and Mr Mingyu from accounting have some past." I groan why the fuck does news travel so quickly in this university? It feels like highschool all over again except this time the teachers genuinely give zero fucks.

"It's more complicated than you think, i've known him for a long time and for most of it he was a prick and even more now." Hoshi laughs loudly. "You guys even transferred county and still got to the same place, must be irritating the vein on your forehead pops out so much when you see him I get scared you'll burst it or explode." I hum...every fibre of my body hates him.

I wonder if Kangdae feels anything about this situation, he seems pretty strict on cheating and loyalty, it must bother him that everyone thinks we're flirting or something I mean we're just too busy for each other but we still honor the basic term to our agreement. "You're spacing out Wonwoo." I sigh "Sorry i'm thinking about volleyball practice" The boy blinks at me weirdly. "I didn't ask I just said you're spacing out"

oh...why do you have to embarrass me like that?

The Lecture continued to drag on as I try search up how to fix my loan issues. "Hey wonwoo why did you come to Japan to learn law when Korea and Japan have different laws?" I turn to him. He must be slow or something, "So I can live here and work here in Japan?" The boy just simply nods with a silent 'ahh' on his lips and goes back to taking notes, by the time lecture finishes I managed to contact the head of my module about needing help and take notes for the last half hour of lecture.

Volleyball for me was light work so when practice came around it felt relaxing, I could win in my sleep well in Korea yeah, but the competition in Japan was different. It was win or shame forever, it was like there was no other option other than win, if you do lose that's it, the end of the world, that's what it feels like at least. The shit thing is, the male locker rooms are shared between sports teams so unfortunately for me I have to see Mingyu even more often, this stupid dog never gets out my face. It's times like this I hate the most where it's just the two of us and he just has to make a comment about something, being the last two in the locker rooms silently was enough torture but him speaking made me just want to tear my my own ears off.

"With your skills I can't believe you are even on the volleyball scholarship, genuienly suprised" I groan inwardly but stay silent. "what? You admit it maybe its because of your pretty face, someone thought they could get lucky? they probably did, never know with you" is this fucking heyena looking ass dog calling me a slut?

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