The good ending

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Mingyu POV

I wonder if tutles poop from their mouths if they can breathe though their buttholes. Do turtles even poop?

'meow' What the fuck is that! I hold onto Wonwoo's arm as he holds his books from his lecture the sound gets louder and I literally feel like my body takes a screenshot as something touched my leg. The fluff jumped back before going towsrds Wonwoo who's crouched down. "Holy fuck it's a black and white cat, that's a cool looking cat right there." I look down at the furr that looks like a walking piece of moss. "That is not a cat." Wonwoo smiled and picked it up. "Its dirty, it must be alone here in the park." I look around for any signs of other cats. "I dont see anything but if they're disguised like that then i'm not sure." I turn to Won who's got th kitty in his arms and books somehow on mine, how the fuck did I not feel the weight difference? "Aww Mingyu it seems hungry, where's your mum and dad kitty? Gyu lets take...him home and feed him." I look at Wonwoo like he has just lost his marbles, his screws have definetly gone lose like he's lost his god damn mind.

All of that gets thrown away as Wonwoo's doe eyes meet mine. "He's tiny." I stare at the cat then Wonwoo. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you can't do this shit to me it's not fair. "We have some tuna at home I think." Wonwoo brightens and pets the cat. "It needs a name."

"Convict. He's on the lose."

"Mingyu be serious I whink we should call him Rocky since he litterally came from the rocks." Wonwoo started walking ahead and I told him i'll be back. After looking about I found a litter and a litter tray along with some treats and nail clippers. We don't know how long he is going to be here for but he makes my Wonie happy it'll probably be a while. I find a cat bed and some other cute cat stuff, after carrying the stuff I open the apartment to see Wonwoo crying holding the kitten. "Whoah wonwoo are you okay?!" I place the stuff onto the floor before rushing to Wonwoo on the couch. "Yeah...he's gonna grow old one day." I blink rappidly before staring at the meowing cat very confused, the kitty curiously has it's front two paws on Wonwoo's chest and is staring up at him. "Let's get him cleaned and fed and we'll take him for a check up and the vet and then we will see if theres any other kittens and if he has a family." Wonwoo stares at me with fat tears in his eyes, lower lip wobbling. "Okay..."


"He tried to kill me." Wonwoo laughs. "He was scared." I stare at the clean black and white kitten in Wonwoo's arms. "I sneezed and he pounced you should be caring for me I got scratched not him." Wonwoo looks at my hand with a small scratch mark. "You'll be fine."

No am not I wanna be a cat that Wonwoo gives his full attention to, how the fuck has this small thing that doesn;t know what colour to even be swiped my boyfriend. "You smell like jealousy again." I pout. "What's so special about him anyway he suddenly came into our lives less than 5 hours ago and next thing you know he's taken my boyfriend." Wonwoo laughs before kissing me breifly. "You're still my little pup." I groan. Wonwoo places the cat onto the floor, he's cat proofed the entire apartment so that his 'precuois kitty' won't get hurt of anything. "His tummy is so big he must have ate a lot." I scoff before turning away. I hate it, I was his centre of attention like litterally this morning I was the one Wonwoo was patting awake and reading to but now this thing is here.

"I love you the most" I whine as the kitten starts crawling on him again. "I feel as useful as the p in raspberry." Wonwoo ignores me and stares at the kitty messing around with his hoodie string. Wonwoo giggles and my heart beats quicker. "Oh..." I turn and follow Wonwoo's gaze to my leg. I stare at the creature with wide eyes, how'd he get there? "Wonwoo...wonwoo!" I whisper yell as the kitty lands on my crossed legs near my knee, he's lighter than I expected. "Shh let's see what he will do." I stare in disbelief, I dunno finish off th job of killing me perhaps?. "Pet him." Wonwoo tuts at me as I stare at him, he rolls my eyes grabbing my finger and letting the kitten play with it.

Oh...this is kind of cute and his tongue feels kind of strange. "See you don't hate Rocky, he just takes time to explore." Wonwoo picks him up and plces him on my shoulder. I tense as his head lands on my shoulder. "Mingyu don't move." Wonwoo giggles "I couldn't even if I wanted to he's gonna kill me." Wonwoo hides his laughter behind his hand before taking pictures on his phone. "I think he's tired ,and found a spot to nap on." I look at the pictures and smile. "You're still me fav kitten though." Wonwoo rolls his eyes and he blushes before gently picking Rocky up and holding my hand to go to our bed. Placing Rocky down he asks me to shift which I do and he follows after shaking his fur and letting some hairs shed off I do the same and sigh. Carefully Wonwoo lays next to the tiny kitten in the middle if the bed and I lay on te other side. Perfect. Me, Won and this weird creature called Rocky. I look up at Wonwoo who yips quietly. Smiling I lick Wonwoo's cheeks. My eyes grow heavy.

This is perfect me, my omega and our adopted murderer child.

The end

A/N: Thank you for reading. : )

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