Chapter 16 (Special)

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I had just returned home from work, So Mun was watching a TV show. As soon as he saw me he came to me and kissed me. He asked 'How was your day today?' I smiled replying 'It went fine. Nothing special yours?' He replied 'We caught a low-level spirit but that's it.' I replied 'Oh! ok.'

I freshened up and came outside to the living area, So Mun then said 'Jagi do you want to watch "Uncanny Couple"?' I looked at him and said 'Aegi that's my drama.' He pouted and replied ' I know and I want to watch your drama. Why don't you let me?' I replied, 'Because I am the main lead and I play the female lead beside another guy, you probably won't like it.' So Mun giggled replying 'Jagi, I am not that jealous kind of boyfriend.' I sighed and said 'Fine but you won't get to be mad later.' He nodded happily.

Guess what? He got mad. He said 'Jagi you give me those eyes.' I replied 'That's an expression of love with the eyes.' He said 'So you love him?' I replied 'That's acting Jagi.' He replied 'So you are acting in our relationship as well.' I replied 'No; Jagi this is real life and that is a drama. It's scripted and fake.' He stayed mad for the entire night, he didn't even cuddle me can you believe this guy? Women know better honestly. 

The next day I was busy the entire day and my shoot ended late at night. I wanted to clear my head a little so I went to the river side. While I was deep in thought, it started raining. I immediately got into my car and drove home. I saw So Mun standing in front of the gate. I stopped the car in front of him and walked towards him. 

I asked 'What are you doing here?' He had a serious look on his face and he said 'Sua, let's break up.' I paused; it felt like everything paused around us. I asked 'What do you mean?' He replied 'I am sorry but I don't think I can date an actress. I figured that out yesterday.' I said 'But Jagi, I told you that it was acting. I love you and you know that.' He replied 'I don't know Sua. I have been starting to doubt you.' I replied 'You can't break up with me So Mun. I won't let you. A relationship is mutual so a break up has to be too.' So Mun replied 'I mean it Sua.' I held this hand and said 'No Jagi, you are joking. You are not breaking up with me. I won't let you.' 

So Mun shivered looking at the expression Sua had on her face. He had never seen Sua so intimidating at least not towards him. Of course, he was not breaking up with her, he was just mad at Sua for forgetting that today was their 100th day of being together. And he was playing a prank. At first, he thought it was fun but now he was not sure anymore. Sua didn't express herself a lot of the time and right now the way she was expressing herself was concerning not for her but for So Mun himself. He did still find it cute that Sua was not letting him break up with her. As they say, love is blind.

Finally, Sua said 'Let's go inside and talk about it ok Jagi. You might get sick.' Inside the house, Sua brought some towels from their room and gave them to So Mun. So Mun then said 'I got you a final goodbye gift. It's in the home gym.' Sua was confused at first but the thought of a final gift didn't make her suspect anything. She went to look inside the room with So Mun following her.

I went inside the room but the lights were off and the room was dark. I went to turn on the lights and as soon as the lights came on; a loud sound went off as well. My eyes adjusted to the brightness and then I saw everyone with party poppers. They all yelled 'Surprise.' I looked back at So Mun and he was just smiling. Ms.Chu came with a cake and kept it on a table that was in front of the boxing ring. I looked at the cake and it was written 'Happy 100th day.' I finally realized and took a deep breath and exhaled silently. I looked at So Mun and said 'Oh! Jagi I am so sorry. I forgot.' He replied 'It's fine Aegi-ya; I know that you are busy with your work.' I added 'You know you didn't have to do this.' Just then oppa interrupted saying 'No, you guys should do this every special day, or else how will I be able to eat cake.' I replied 'Oppa you can eat cake anytime. Just buy it.' Oppa replied 'Yeah but Sua special day cakes are just special.' Everyone laughed at his words while Hana unnie patted his head on the back. Mo-Tak added 'Jeok-Bong makes sense. Now let's eat the cake.' Jang-mul volunteered to bring plates for everyone. 

After the party, everyone had left. I was sitting on the bed waiting for So Mun. As he came inside he walked towards me slowly with caution. I looked at him with mad eyes and said 'Don't think after what you did I am happy and that I will forgive you.' He replied 'What do you mean?' I said 'Breaking up is not funny So Mun.' He kneels all of a sudden and says 'I know it's my fault. forgive me; please.' I don't say anything and only look at him. He adds 'By the way Aegi-ya, How was your day today?' I knew he was trying to change the subject and I just looked at him. 

After a few moments, I said 'Just know that you won't be breaking up with me; at least not in this lifetime. I won't let you. if you try then I will control your body through your shadow and keep you tied up in a house; with me forever.' So Mun gulped nervously and replied 'Yes ma'am.'

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