Chapter 9 - Complete Lies

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Cold sweat, visibly shaking at how sick she was, there, Astoria sat at dinner the next night. Ella was still in her room, and Astoria wondered if she should have stayed in her room also.

Daphne was worried and had asked her sister if she was okay.

"I'm fine, just a bit more sick than usual. I think I caught it from Ella yesterday." Daphne had a frown, rubbing her shoulder.

Daphne slid Astoria's plate down that she had plated before she came. "Here, eating will be good for you." Astoria smiled at her sister. She went back to talk to her own friends, leaving Astoria in her own thoughts.

Astoria thought about what Draco had told her last night- and just thinking of him from yesterday made her look from her plate to where he sat, then back to her plate, to him again, and back and forth.

She shook her head, taking a few bites of her chicken- and instantly she had felt the familiar feeling of nausea- she was about to vomit everything she had eaten that day. Immediately, she ran to the girls' bathroom and she slammed the door behind her, hugging the bowl as she vomited multiple times; even when it seemed that all her food was gone and finished, she vomited nothing, now gasping for any air. Wiping her mouth and swallowing, she tried to get rid of the acidic taste as she slammed the cubicle door back open again with heavy breaths- noticing Malfoy was to her right she pushed him out of the way, intending to make her way to the sink.

Washing her mouth and seeing him behind her in the mirror looking right at her- she was angry he was even here with her. He never looked so serious. She turned around, leaning back on the metal edge of the sink with her palms

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"I told you. Do not eat that."

"No, you told me lies."

"I told you what you deserved to know- you've been living in a complete lie. But that's not your fault, you shouldn't be blamed."

It made her angry how much of an Angel Malfoy was trying to pretend to be.

Grinding her teeth together in anger, Astoria slammed her palms on the metal edge in complete fury. "Daphne is my sister!"

"You're sick because-"

Interrupting him, she stomped her foot, her eyes beginning to tear in frustration, "-I am sick because I have always been sick, I have a blood malediction! This," she took a deep breath, her hands tiredly motioning to herself. "This is who I am. This is who I will always be."

Draco had repeated that sentence which was the most disgusting lie she had ever heard of.

"Your sister tampers with your food- she adds something to your food. She is poisoning you. You are being poisoned."

She shook her head. "I asked you for proof, for evidence- did you even see her do anything? But you've refused! And I guess you will refuse again to show me anything, or give any context."

"I know that you do not want to hear this from me," he took only a cautioned step closer, "but she isn't to be trusted anymore."

"And who are you? Huh?" She wiped her tears away. "Why should I ever take your word over anything else?" She dug the palms of her hands into her eyes, taking deep breaths.

"I'm not any of your concern, I understand you hate me, but forget about that for a moment; and just try to understand what I'm trying to tell you." Said he, in her opinion, dripping with absolute lies. It was expected of him.

"She and my mother always come to doctor appointments at the hospital- they always care for my health, they give me medicine, but the results that have been proven- they never change. I am sick with a curse."

She noticed he became irritated. "I don't care, because you're not sick to me anymore. And I couldn't care less about your family- I bet they're just praying for your sickness to worsen."

She flinched, looking away to the side, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.

"With all due respect."

"Prick." She said as she shoved passed him, but before she left, she turned back. "Is this your way of making my life miserable?"

He let out a small sarcastic smile, shaking his head. He put his hands in his pockets. "A piece of advice- do not eat anything she gives you. Sorry if this hurts you."

She shook her head. "I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. You're- You're a.. " she trailed off, looking to his forearm. He only looked at the floor and nodded.

She immediately left and slammed the bathroom door behind her- she hoped he would be locked in there or get caught by a teacher, and hopefully given a punishment. She ran to her room, and slammed the door behind her, sliding down it.

After all the commotion yesterday, her date never showed, or maybe he did, but she had left immediately after her conversation with Malfoy, and she missed out on it.

She shook her head in disbelief, burying her face into her knees. He had no evidence- only coming forward with claims but no evidence was disgusting and it was terrible. He was filled with lies, and said the most horrible things to her. This lie had hurt her, it made her heart ache even more than it ever did before, and all her tears had flowed down her face and inside her shirt, making everything wet and unbearably uncomfortable, but every time she thought about it, the tears only started back again.

She had no reason to sob, because what he claimed wasn't true- she wanted to go back to doing what she had always done before but she couldn't.

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