Chapter 19 - Lake

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"I thought the treatment would be much more than this." Draco said to Astoria as they sat at his kitchen counter.

"I guess magical tablets are enough to kill something small." She took it, and swallowed it with her water.

"There have been so many letters for you arriving this whole week."

"Just do what you've been doing. Continue burning them." She sighed, clasping her hands together.

He got up. "Before the others arrive today, I was thinking we could take a swim in the lake?"

Her eyebrows rose a little. "I've never swam in a lake before, or any swimming for that matter for a long time."

He smiled. "Now is the time then," he brought out his arm for her and helped her down the stool.

They walked together outside and down to the lake in silence, until they reached the edge of it.

"This lake has been here for as long as I can ever remember."

She took her shoe off, and dipped her foot into the water.

"The temperature is okay," she shivered.

"It's okay, it's all part of the fun." He assured, stepping away. She looked to see where he was going, but he only reached for his shirt and took it off, and she immediately looked away.

"Now?" She asked in surprise.

"Might as well do it now before we convince ourselves it's too cold."

She looked back and he finished taking his trousers off. He smiled at her, running past as he jumped in, completely splashing her.

"Oh!" She gasped, closing her eyes. She opened them, taking off her soaking jacket and chucking it on the grass.

"I don't know about this Draco." She folded her arms as she felt herself starting to become cold.

"It's fine Astoria! I used to do this all the time." He dunked his head under the water and began swimming farther away. She sighed, immediately taking off her clothes before she could change her mind, and before Draco looked back at her. She was only down to her singlet (small tank top) over her bra, and in her underwear when she decided to run and jump in. Her head exited the water and she gasped, opening her eyes.

Draco immediately swam to her. "Are you alright? You could have warned me when you were about to jump."

"No no, I'm fine, just a little cold!" She smiled, her teeth chattering.

"Keep moving around and it won't become so bad anymore." He laughed as he turned away from her to swim further down. She followed him slowly, using the water to glide herself along. She closed her eyes as she floated, feeling how the water felt. It felt soft and silky, almost weightless against her body.

She opened her eyes slowly and Draco was already looking at her. "Do you think there's anything that can bite you down here?"

He laughed. "No, trust me! There isn't a thing like that."

"I'll take your word for it but if something bites me, you won't hear the end of it." She laughed, deciding to duck her head under water too, and swim down with her eyes opened. The water wasn't that clear, but she saw it was a little deeper than her legs could reach. After exploring for a few more seconds, she reached the surface, taking a deep breath. Her hair instantly became heavy and unbearable all over her face.

She grunted, as she tried to float and also take her heavy hair from her face. But she was at ease immediately when she felt his hand on his face, moving her hair away.

"Thank you," she smiled. She was readying herself to go under the water again when he held her up.

"Okay, the sun will set soon I think that's enough."

"Just a few more minutes," she replied, splashing him with water.

"Oh, it's like that?" Wiping his face, he splashed her back and she gasped, feeling the cold water on her face. He splashed much bigger than she ever did.

"That's not fair, and that was way bigger than mine!"

"You asked for it, not me!" He laughed as he splashed again. She splashed him back twice as much, and she couldn't remember a time when she had fun just like this.

In the drawing room that night, with a few lit candles around, she sat on the big couch in shorts and a shirt, and Draco sat by her feet applying cream to some mosquito bites. She dipped so much in the couch, she thought it would swallow her- it was just the size of a small bed. It was definitely meant for lounging.

"I'm telling you this again, mosquitoes don't live in the water. There, done." He stood up.

"How come you didn't get bitten at all." She frowned.

"They know I own the lake and everything around it."

"Very funny." She rolled her eyes. She turned her body so she could lay down on the edge of the couch with her eyes closed. A moment later, she felt a dip beside her and opened her eyes, where he now lay beside her. The couch made it so they dipped towards each other, and they couldn't help that their bodies had no room between them, her hand then rested on his chest. She almost closed her eyes at the warmth of it, until she noticed his arm right by her. It was completely bandaged. As she thought about it more, her thoughts were cut off when he moved that left arm to instead rest behind her.

"Why is it bandaged?" She mumbled against his side. "I'm not offended by it, or anything." She whispered.

"No, it's not that." He replied.


"I scrape it off." Astoria blinked, her lashes brushing against him. She moved her head up to look at him for the first time.

"You do?" She blinked. "Does that work?"

"I don't know, I can't tell. It probably doesn't." She frowned, looking at him with small disbelief at what she had just heard. She moved her head back down to lay on his side.

"Will you stop doing that for me?" She whispered. Her lips almost touched his side.

"Okay." He agreed quietly, slowly bringing his right hand to her view, with his pinky out. She smiled, bringing out her own hand to do the promise.

After a while like that, Astoria's eyes shot open when she heard faint bang on the front door.

"I knew they were late." Draco mumbled, slowly getting up. She rose up with him, moving her legs off the edge as she watched him put a shirt on.

"Come on, we should greet them." He gestured his head to the door. She nodded, getting up and putting her slippers on to follow behind him. The banging kept continuing.

They finally reached, and Draco opened the door. "Stop your banging!"

"Sorry we're late," Ella huffed, coming inside dripping with water.

"Ella, why are you wet?" Astoria asked.

"Theo decided it was a good idea to drag me through his sprinklers before we left, now we'll both be sick!" She shivered, taking her shoes and coat off. Theo came beside her. "It was fun admit it!" He laughed, helping her take her soaking coat off, then his own.

"And I had to sit and watch because I obviously have nothing better to do." Blaise complained, walking inside.

"Your usual rooms are set up," Draco said to Blaise and Theo. He looked at Ella oddly.

She blushed, becoming embarrassed. "Yes I will be sharing a room with him." She looked to Astoria. "Come on, show me your room." Astoria nodded, taking her wand and helping her friend with her bags. As soon as she closed the door behind them, Ella smiled.

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