Chapter 30 - Safety

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"My room?" Astoria asked as they stood in front of Draco's room that early morning.

"That's my room." Draco opened the door for her and let her in.

"But why? It would be such a bother, when you already have a dozen more rooms." She turned to face him, and he stood by the closed door, his hands holding the handle behind him.

"Because," he shook his head. "Don't be silly, please," she didn't reply, bunching her lips together.

"I can't leave you alone, don't you understand that? Not after what has just happened. I refuse."

Astoria nodded once. "Okay, you refuse. Fine." She said quietly. "I haven't greeted the rest."

"You can do it after you sleep," he took a few steps towards her.

Astoria crossed her arms, disappointed that Ella would be asleep about now, until there was a knock on the door. Just the thought of Ella behind the door made her happy. It opened after a moment, and Ella poked her head in.

"A moment with Astoria?" She walked in, already shooing Draco away out the door.

When the door clicked shut, Astoria let out a deep breath. "I smell, and I'm dirty, so I wouldn't hug me if I were you." She chuckled quietly, resting her palm on her mouth.

Ella frowned, going in for a hug anyway- and when they separated, Astoria said how uncomfortable she was to talk in Draco's room.

"Then, we should go else where."

"I just don't get why. Didn't you and the others put up spells?"

Ella walked to the door with Astoria. "No one wants to take any risks, especially if it's concerning you. We love you."

Astoria stopped her. "Maybe we shouldn't go out. I should stay, I still need to shower and sleep."

Ella opened the door anyway, and Draco was leaning on the wall across the hall.

"We're going down to the library." Ella took Astoria's arm and they walked.

"Ella, come on. That's ridiculous."

"Draco, it's okay." Astoria frowned. "Just a second." They turned away, and they kept on.

When Ella closed the library doors behind them, Astoria sat down in a nearby armchair, with her friend following behind.

"They've started to poison my brother as a means to replace me, Ella. He gave me his muffin and when I bit into it you could just immediately taste the poison and how horrible it was." Astoria told herself to not cry, raking a hand through her hair. "I feel so bad. I don't want him to go through 19 years of what I went through. I don't know what to do."

"He won't have to!" Ella assured, putting her hand on Astoria's. "I really think you should go tell the press. Police won't do anything- if they let your family knock you and Draco out, I don't think they'd help. It's a shame. Once it's in the press, the police won't have a choice."

They sat in silence for a moment after Astoria nodded.

"You know what's a shame? This whole situation." She muttered.

Ella frowned, laying back in the armchair, and Astoria sat up.

"It doesn't feel the same- it's gloomy, it's depressing, I hate how Draco is barely speaking to me."

"This'll all be over before you know it. You'll start your life, your job, and they will all be behind bars once the truth comes out. You know that, right? You'll live so long, and soon it'll be a distant memory."

Astoria didn't reply, and Ella finished off by saying, "You know that Draco was so quiet when you were gone? Wouldn't stop worrying. Wouldn't talk to anyone. Just short sentences, and he stayed in his room. I mean, he must be the happiest of them all to have you back!"

Astoria scoffed quietly. "Doesn't seem like it."

Ella gave her a comforting glance. "I'll walk you back, otherwise, he might just kill me." Astoria laughed at that and followed behind her.

When Astoria clicked the door behind her, she didn't see him at first glance. She made her way to the bathroom and found her clothes already placed in there. She smiled comfortingly, closing her eyes to just remember the moment- the moment of freedom. She was back home.

After being changed, she dried her hair with a towel lazily, threw it to the side and exited to the room, where the lights were already off. She squinted, looking around to where she saw the only source of light emitting from a candle beside Draco who sat on a sofa under a blanket, looking like that was where he was going to sleep for the night. As she approached, he closed his book and looked up at her.

"Hello," she greeted quietly, going to stand a few feet in front of him.

He responded with only a quiet hum as he watched her fidget. She finally sighed, turning away to slide under the covers. She could almost smile at the feeling of safety, but she didn't like where she and him stood now.

"You know, this bed is big for both of us."

He shook his head, looking at his hands. "I wouldn't want to do that. You need space."

Astoria chuckled, turning to her side to see him, and pulling the covers to her neck. "Then why didn't you give me my own room?" She asked again.

"Sorry, but I need to keep a watch of you." He shook his head, finally meeting her eyes. "I should have handled it better- acted better. It's all my fault."

She felt herself falling asleep but snapped her eyes back up to his. "I'm here now, so, let's stop thinking about the past."

He was quiet.

"I want things to be how they were before. You seem so distant from me now- we were good..." she trailed off, passing it off as tiredness, but she felt her body reject the word 'friends' to come out of her mouth. "Do you just need time?" She finally asked.

"We kissed, but I didn't like it."

She frowned so slightly, she was more confused at what he had said. He only looked down.

He didn't like their kiss? He didn't like kissing her? She knew it. She knew that this was the reason why he was so distant. From the beginning, the only reason he had ever taken interest in her was to tell her about her sister and the poisoned food- he could handle a friendship with her. Other than that, he never signed up for more than that, let alone to kiss her. She almost scowled at the thought that maybe he only kissed her because he had been alone in that cell for weeks.

But she couldn't be so daft... he had said so many pretty words to her, at how he hated how she had come to see him, because one glance was enough to make him crazy at the fact he still had to wait weeks until he was out again.

"Well," she scoffed. "If you felt that way, I wish you had not led me on." She finished quietly, looking at him for his reply with impatience.

"Led you on?" He looked at her. "You must hate me for where it happened."

She looked puzzled.

He almost smiled, but embarrassingly. "We kissed in the most disgusting place, I feel terrible, and shameful."

She blinked.

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