Chapter 11 - Change

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Astoria had no choice— she was too scared, too paranoid to even go near food that her sister would plate for her. But it was crazy of her to eat food that Malfoy had been plating for her the past week. But she told herself it was different. It was different because they always shared one plate, and he always took the first bite. At first, it had just been dinner which she avoided but gradually, she was avoiding Daphne at breakfast and lunch too, but that was easy since students had classes all at different times– but dinner was difficult to avoid sometimes. She couldn't tell at this time if she was getting better, but she definitely wasn't becoming worse.

"Here, I got this for you." Malfoy said one night to her as they sat on the steps under the arch to the courtyard– side by side. He showed her a vial, wanting her to take it.

"What is that?" She replied quietly, taking it– examining the red liquid as he spoke, she guessed it was some sort of medicine from the colour and texture.

"A healing potion. I got it from Madam Pomfrey myself."

"Do you want a medal?" She smiled, still not looking at him.

"No, I want you to take it."

"I told you before, medicine doesn't help me. Besides, didn't you say I'm not a sick person anymore?" She asked sarcastically. She still didn't look at him, using the potion as an excuse to look away from him.

"Once you get whatever you have out of your system, you won't be a sick person anymore. I don't believe you are, and I don't want you to believe you are one anymore." She frowned slightly, finally turning her head to him. She saw him only looking at his hands as he wrung them together.

She looked at her shoes. "Why are you trying to save me when we both know I'm ill-fated?"

He took the potion from her fingers carefully, taking off the stopper, and passing it back to her again. She relented, taking the vial and drinking it all in one go.

It was quiet these days, and by quiet, life for Astoria now was at a stand-still– it was a waiting game. She didn't want to talk that much at all anymore, until she saw results of healing, or any significant change.

It was a hot afternoon as she sat on the floor of Ella's room, her back against the wall. Her friend was laying on the floor, throwing a small ball up in the air and back down again.

"Ow!" She groaned as the ball landed back down on her nose, causing her to sneeze after.

Astoria laughed, but couldn't muster up any more energy to do anything else. Suddenly, an owl had flown into the open window and laid down a letter on Ella's stomach, immediately flying away.

"What a well trained bird." Astoria commented as Ella sat up and read the letter. "Oh! It's from Theo!" She blushed, getting up immediately to read it.

"What's it say?"

"He is so sweet!" She gushed, "He's asking me to dinner again today!"

Astoria sighed. "That's it? You know, I'm missing my friend!"

"Oh but please Astoria!"

She chuckled. "I wasn't implying that you needed to ask for any permission. Go with him!" Astoria insisted.

Ella laughed, thanking her again before she ran out the room. Astoria left, but in came another owl with a letter from Daphne, asking to talk to her.

Astoria got up and made her way down, dreading the interaction.

"Is something wrong, Astoria? Did I do something?" She asked.

"I've been stressed out lately from assignments.. group works. Sorry that I haven't been around lately, but we still have breakfast together."

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