☆A Note about Vampires☆

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I open the door and walk inside. There is a lot of books.
There is also a desk, it has some stuff on it. I know people like to hide things. For some reason, they always put it at the same place. Probably because it is more accesable that. I look underneath the desk. I noticed a keyhole in the floor.
I knew it.

Did the man have the keys. I do not remember him walking away with keys, you would hear that. The woman did not have keys either. Then it must be here somewhere.

I look around and see a jacket. I search in it and there is indeed a key. I opened the tiny space in the ground. There is a book in it. It looks like a notebook I had when I was 16. It did not have a name of author. I opened it. It is written in 2019. "The research of vampires"

I started to read some parts:

Type 1A: "Classics"
They are known for being able to kill them (stake/fire). They cannot be in the sun and have no reflections. Crosses and garlic can ward them off, unless they overcome their fear/know that it cannot do anything or the user who uses it to ward them off, does not believe in it anymore. They are faster and stronger then most humans and also have better senses.

Type 1B: "Insane ones"
They are the same as type A, but they have no conscious anymore. They only try to attack, it is their only purpose.

Type 2A: "Daywalkers"
They are also the same as type 1A, yet they can walk in the sun. Crosses and garlic doesn't work. They have no reflection after they had blood.
They have to be invited in anyones house. They can still be killed by a stake/burned.

Type 3A: "Vampire spirits"
After a vampire type 1B kills a human, there is a possibility that they "come back". They are like spirits, they can not do much and are sometimes not even seen. At night, they most likely will show. Also mirrors can show them. Communicating can go trough scéances or spiritboard, but pendulums can work aswell. They do not drink blood, but they drain your energy 'till you do not have any energy left to let your heart beat. On the full moon, their spirits get stronger and even more physical and they can drink blood then. The only way it is known to get rid of any vampire spirit is to perform a banishing ritual. How to do one is yet unknown, but it is claimed some have done it. Also some have failed, the spirit can then have access to the body of the one performing the ritual and can live on in their bodies. They are not able to enter houses. You can ward them off with iron or crosses, both is even better.

Vampire 4A: "Vampire sirens"
These vampires are the same as type 2A. It is yet unknown what can kill them. What these vampires have, that no other has, is mind control. They cannot know what you're thinking, but they can control your mind. They do that by looking into your eyes, if they want to control a specifick person. They can also sing, to control everyone that hears it. The last option is screaming, this can reach even more people, but the effects are most likely to dissapear after a while. These vampires are very dangerous and should be approached with caution. These vampires are mostly considerd beautiful, but there are always 1 or 2 flaws to not make them perfect.

Vampire 5A: "Shapeshifters"
They are just like type 2A. The difference is that they can shapeshift into anything they want with practice. They naturally can take the form of one animal, but they can, like I said earlier, shapeshift into other animals and even humans. There are not many shapeshifter vampires. They were humans who where almost dying, when a vampire tries to turn them only as a way to save them, they might become a shapeshifter.

Vampire 5B: "Unconcious shapeshifters"
Just like vampire 5A, they can shapeshift into animals. They mostly do not learn to be able to shapeshift into more creatures. They do not have a reflection nor they can be in the sun. Garlic works as a repellent against these vampires and can be killed by destroying the heart. Or stake them, almost everything can kill them.
Their only purpose is to kill too. They do not have much of a concious, just like "the insane ones". This only happens when an already dying uman somehow gets turned by a type 1B. This almost never happens, but it is very possible.

Vampire biology
Vampires drink blood. The blood will mostly go into their own blood. Blood contains a lot of red cells. This makes the blood color red. The red cells carries hemoglobin. It transports oxygen. The oxygen is used for giving the brain and tissues enough oxygen to function.
For vampires the oxygen is also used to become faster, stronger and have better reflexes. The platelets will also get into the blood, it will help the vampire to heal a lot faster. The white blood cells also get into the blood, making the vampires immune system better. The plasma is mostly for hydration aswell as extra protein and nutriens. The waste stays waste and cannot be used. All vampires have bloodtype AB+, no matter the circumstances. The vampires have much less nerves, they feel a little to no pain Besides that, they have fangs to make neat holes to drink blood. If they don't get blood, they can expect the following symptons:
•seeing stars
•spontaneous Mal De Débarquement Syndrome
•hallucinations (these can range from visual/auditory hallucinations to precense/proprioceptive hallucinations )
•Going out of control

The Insane Cycle of Sanity
After a while of not taking blood, the body and mind will force the vampire to drink as much as they can. They may expirience a lot of pain near the heart erea. The pain is actually not there, the mind is tricking you into thinking it hurts and the only way to solve it, is to drink blood. The vampire cannot fight it anymore, the mind is tricking it into feeding. Some who got turned and feel grossed out, can land into the The Insane Cycle of Sanity. It is called I.C.S. for short. Originally it was called T.I.C.S. for short, but it got confused with tics or even Tourette Syndrom.
I.C.S. is where the vampire starve themselves, because they dont want to hurt anyone and then they get to the point of losing control. They will be horrified and it may leave traumas and then they start again starving themselves to that point. It will keep going until they accept their fate or anyone helps them as a kind of therapy.

Immortality and powers
Vampires are known to be immortal. They stop aging around the age of 18-20. Some may stop aging a lot later or even younger. Some have a condition where they do age just like a human. Or they stop aging as soon as they get turned. Most vampires have some illusion magic, this way they can hide their identity and walk around as "humans". If you know a 100% sure someone is a vampire, you can look trough their magic. Vampires can not have children unless they know how to do magic, it can cost an insane amount of energy and possibly can kill one of the two parents. The parents both have to take part.

How the immortality part works has yet to be researched further before there can be any information given, the same goes for any other unnatural ability.
They used to believe that they were given by the devil, wich is not true. They were seen as witches and some were burned at the stake, just like MANY other innocent women and sometimes even children. The burning and other cruel things the humans did to innocent and non innocent people has stopped, yet there are still vampire hunters. They do not show that they are vampire hunters, because they will still be seen as criminals by the other humans.

There is a lot in here, it is sadly not finished. Around the middle, more at the end, of the notebook, the story adruptly stops. There is also a page missing.
I wonder who wrote all this. From my information and expirience, this all seems to be correct.

I read a bit more, but then I hear loud footsteps. The man is coming back.
I quickly put the book back and the keys in the jacket. I hear the door open. I screamed with the intention of no one seeing me for a while. It seemed to work. The man did not notice me as I walk back to my room...

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