☆The creature☆

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I am walking trough the dark hallways.
I see no one. I guess everyones asleep.
That is weird, because I know a few patients who have insomnia. I get the feeling I am watched.
I turn around, but no one is there.

Hm, maybe I am just paranoid. They should add that to my non-existent documents. Well they do exist, but it is some made up story.

I hear something fall. Then I hear something break. I walk towards the noise. I see a child. She is destorying the stuff that is in the hallways.

"Hey there." I try.
The girl litterally growled, slowely she turns into a weird monster like creature. An animal skull for head, with glowing eyes. Hooves, and even a tail. She is taller then me now. It runs at me.

I run in fear of the creature. I hear the clattering of bones and heavy breathing behind me. I run into a room. I close the door. When I look around there is this doctor who was doing something weird to a patient.

The doctor had all kinds of needles and even a scalpel. The patient tries their best to escape. I walk up to the doctor.
I bite them in his neck and after a few seconds he drops to the floor.

The patient shivers.
"Are you okay?" I ask calmely.
"Yes....t-thank you." The patient seems to be calmer now.
"What was he doing?"
"I am not so sure." I see tears in the eyes. Poor kid. I free the kid of the ropes. I wonder how much rope there is here.

I look into the room. There are a lot of drawings, made by a child. There is also a sword. I could maybe ask if I can have it to protect myself.

"Is the sword yours?"
"Yes it is, I found it once, but I am not doing anything with it. I cutted myself with it."
"Could I have it, it is okay if not. It is yours afterall."
"Sure, it was never actually mine. I just took it and made it mine."
"Thank you. One last question before I go. What did you eat yesterday?"
"...fish, I ate fish."
"What about two days ago?"
"...fish...I ate...fish."
"Okay, well thank you, stay safe."
The patient mumbles about fish as I go.

I carefully open the door. I do not see the creature. I walk trough the dark hallways again. Hopefully I find someone else. Suddenly, I hear the clattering again and there it is. The creature. I turn around and run away again.

I don't know where I am going. I look behind me, where did it go. I bumb against something. I look up and see the creature. It starts to growl. I grab the sword that had fallen on the ground.
I stab it, but it seems to do no damage.

The creature looks mad. It bumps its head against me. I fly through the hallway. The creature runs towards me. I quickly dodge its move and stab it.
Again, no damage has been done. I see the chance to run. I run further the building in, I am not even sure where I am. Everything looks the same.

I stop running. I am so tired. I should of stayed in my room. But if I did, I wouldn't have this sword.
Then a cold wind whooshes past me.
I turn around. It is one of the ghosts.
I wonder if they will help me.

"Hello there, could you help me?

"The heart and soul are one
You shouldn't run."

"Thank you."
The ghost dissapears again.
Hm, what does it mean. The second part is easy. I don't need to run.
What do I do then? The soul and heart are one. I start to walk again, back where I came from. Atleast I hope I came from here.

Wait, I know. It is the heart. I need to go for the heart, so the soul will leave.
Ah, I am so smart. No, I am not, maybe smarter then some people. Especially since I am older then a 100 years old.
I hear something....sh-t it is the clattering.

There it comes. It immediately starts to attack me. I try to figure out where the heart is located, while dodging its attacks. I jump left, right, left.
There it is. Oh no... I fly trough the hallway again. I lost the sword. Well-
That did not go as planned.

I stand up and run towards the sword and thus towards the creature who already is coming to attack me. I grab the sword and as it comes to me, I stab it right in the heart. A strong wind blows me away. For the 3rd time I fly trough the hallway. When I stand up, I see a child laying on the ground.

It is the same kid that I saw destroying things and then turn into that thing.
I slowely and carefully walk towards the kid. She wakes up and stands.

"Why was I on the floor?"
"Eh..you fainted." I answer.
The kid just walks away as if nothing had happend. If that is not weird, I don't know what is. Everything is weird here. I just want to go home. What does this give me? Humanity? Mortality? Don't think so.

I walk back to my room. Tobias and Ava are talking to eachother. I hear them talk to me, but I somehow do not hear. I let myself fall onto my bed and I was gone to sleep.

I wake up 7 hours later. It is 2 in the afternoon.

"Every..thing okay?"
It is Tobias.

"Yeah, I am okay."
"What ..hap..happend?"
"Long story short. I went to ask people what they eat, but I found a kid who turned into a monster and chased me. I went into a room, found a crazy doctor and a patient. I asked, got a weird response, but got that sword. Then, I had help of a ghost to defeat the monster who then turned into the kid again and I went back, I almost got lost too."

Guess we...n-need to get...out of-of here..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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