Chapter 1

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Tera POV

"Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. It was dark, cold and it was warm at the same time. I was confused, but I also felt comfort. But then I was released as I first opened my eyes, and I was met by the moon. It was so big, and it was so bright." I smiled up at the moon as I began looking around me seeing I sprouted from the ground as I looked around seeing nothing but trees and green. I was standing all alone. "I didn't feel scared, but curious." I slowly begin standing up as my legs shake a bit, but I smile and start laughing, not sure why.

"I didn't know how I got here, or why I am all alone." I look up at the moon andbegin to giggle a bit as I take my first few steps with my bare feet feelingthe beautiful texture of the ground. "That's when I heard him... The moon..."I look up at the moon as he then says to me, "My first Guardian Tera. Guardianof Life." I watched the moon in amazement as I then began smiling again as hefinished talking. I then hear rumbling from the ground as I turn aroundseeing where I once emerged a beautiful tree emerging as well.

  I then hear rumbling from the ground as I turn aroundseeing where I once emerged a beautiful tree emerging as well

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I walk up to the tree feeling all around it as I then hear something behind me. I turn around as I see many different animals slowly coming up to me. I smile slowly bending down as they come right up to me, allowing me to pet them. I giggle as I say, "How beautiful." I stand up again as I begin walking around a bit more as I say, "How do I travel faster?" I then suddenly feel the wind blow lifting me in the air as I smile giggling as I then begin balancing myself in the air. I look around as I spot some light nearby as I begin flying in that direction. It was a bit rough and bumpy being my first time, but I made it as it turned into daylight.

I land onto a tree as I look at other people as I smile. I jump gliding down as people pass me as they are doing their daily things. I smile at the great ones as they pass through me. I was confused, but continued noticing that they didn't see me. I then walked over to an area where they were farming as some of the people looked in distress. I looked at them wondering what was going on as they began talking about the plants not growing. I looked at them worriedly and walked onto the dirt looking around as I then kneeled onto the ground feeling the dirt. I suddenly see a pink glow emanate from my hand as the ground begins to grow plants as I smile seeing that I was able to help. I then moved away as I watched the people become happy again and continue their farming.

Many years later~

It's been so long since I first emerged from Earth, and I now am used to everything in life as many things have been changing. This night I was in my realm with my entrance guardian dragon as I then felt a calling. I looked outside as I told my dragon I'd be back. I go outside and see the moon calling for me. I fly up into the air going to where he wants me to be. It was a cold area as I then landed onto the ice as I smiled, liking the cold feeling. I then looked at the moon and asked, "Are they here?" The moon doesn't say anything but instead puts a spotlight on an area of ice as I smile, "Okay. I got it" I put some of my magic into that spot for a bit as I smiled, "Wake up soon. I can't wait to meet you in the future."

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