Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Tera grabbed her flower again ready for anything as they watched as Pitch said to his dark sand horse, "Whoa! Hey! Easy, girl, easy." He laughs as he then turns back to the others showing the black sand, "Look familiar, Sandman? Took me a while to perfect this little trick. Turning dreams into Nightmares. Sadly, I still seem I can't perfect a solid creature like my Diamond can over there. But I will soon enough."

Tera tightens her fist as the others falter back a bit as Jack then grabs her hand as she feels his cold touch. She looks at him seeing that he was giving her reassurance look as she gives him a small smile. Pitch then says to the others, "Don't be nervous. It only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know." Bunny then asks, "What fear? Of you? No one's been afraid of you since the Dark Ages!" Pitch smiles, "Oh, the Dark Ages. You remember those times, my Diamond."

Tera nods, recalling those times, "Of course I do..." He smiles, "Everyone frightened. Miserable. Such happy times for me. Oh, the power I wielded. A glorious time when it was just my Diamond and me. But then the Man in the Moon had taken my Diamond and chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and light. Lifting their hearts and giving them hope. Meanwhile, everyone wrote me off as just a bad dream!" "Oh, there's nothing to be afraid of. There's no such thing as the Boogeyman! Well, that's all about to change."

They then notice the Tooth Palace crumbling a bit as Pitch says, "Oh. It's happening already." Jake was confused as he asked, "What is?" "Children are waking up and realizing the Tooth Fairy never came. I mean, such little things. But to a child..." Tera then gasps in pain as she places her hands onto where heart would be as she starts falling towards the ground and says softly, "No..." Jack quickly catches her as he yells worried, "Tera! What's wrong?" Tooth then says starting to falter as well, "They... don't believe in me anymore."

Pitch then says, "Didn't they tell you, Jack? It's great being a Guardian. But there's a catch. Different between the first Guardian to the other four guardians that come after her. If enough kids stop believing everything your friends protect, wonder, hopes and dreams, it all goes away. And little by little, so do they. And when they start disappearing one by one, the dear first guardian who bestowed your powers alongside the moon grows weaker and weaker as well." Jack was shocked at this new information as Pitch continues, "No Christmas or Easter, or little fairies that come in the night. There will be nothing but fear and darkness and us again my Diamond. It's your turn not to be believed in."

She then hits the ground with it as a glowing magic circle surrounds heras they all watch little creatures coming out of the circle for a few secondsas she then closes them again as Jack says amazed, "Whoa

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She then hits the ground with it as a glowing magic circle surrounds heras they all watch little creatures coming out of the circle for a few secondsas she then closes them again as Jack says amazed, "Whoa... what are they?" Teragives him a small smile picking one of the little creatures up, "They are frommy forest. Really trustful and the best in searching for things." He picks oneup looking at it scratching their head as it flies off his hand as he laughs inamazement. "That's cool." She nods as she then looks at the one, she has in herhand, "I need your help in searching for anything that I forgot or left behindfor me." It chirps happily to her as it then squeals letting the others know oftheir mission as they all squeal as well and start flying in differentdirections in their search."

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