Chapter 6

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Tera POV

I then smile a bit but curious why such a small creature was inside as everyone begins yelling to attack as I quickly make my way in front of them all with my dragon also to my stead flapping her wings getting them to stop as they do wondering why I stopped them as I begin saying, "Don't. It's just a child." We all turn to see a little girl run up to us all as she holds some of the eggs looking at everyone as Jack asks, "Sophie?"

Everyone stands up straight hiding their weapons, chuckling nervously as I chuckle at their antics as we watch her spotting one elf as she laughs and starts chasing him as I chuckle a bit as I ask, "I wonder how she got in here?" North then begins checking his coat, noticing something missing as we all looked at him as he says, "Ah, snow globe." Bunny then says turning to Jack, "Crikey! Somebody do something." Jack raises his hands surrendering, "Oh, don't look at me. I'm invisible, remember?" I chuckle a bit as we look at Sophie that had the elf by his hat and was dragging him having fun, "Elf! Elf!"

Tooth then says flying around the girl getting her attention, "Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a fairy fan." She looks at Sophie, "It's okay, little one." "Pretty." "Oh! You know what? I've got something for you!" She then shows Sophie some teeth in her hand, "Here it is! Look at all the pretty teeth, with little blood and gum on them!" This freaks Sophie out as she begins wailing and running away scared as I look at Tooth confused, "Blood and gums?" Jack was chuckling a bit amused as he added, asking, "When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?" Sophie looks under a small hole in a statue seeing some eggs as she yells inside, "Peek-a-boo!"

North then explains, "We are very busy bringing joy to children. We don't have time... for children." Jack and Tera looked at each other thinking the same thing as Jack begins making a snowflake and sends it over to Bunny, "Hmm. If one little kid can ruin Easter, then we're in worst shape than I thought." Sophie spots the snowflake and begins chasing it instead as the snowflake then hits Bunnie's nose as it gets him to smile. I then say taking my flower again, changing it to my staff as I then bang it on the ground making a portal open as I smile adding, "We may need some reinforcements to help with the eggs and I know the perfect creature for the job.

 I then say taking my flower again, changing it to my staff as I then bang it on the ground making a portal open as I smile adding, "We may need some reinforcements to help with the eggs and I know the perfect creature for the job

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They all watch as about four come out as Sophie looks at them amazed as Jack asks, "Whoa! What are they?" I smile over at him, "These are Gollum's. They are very gentle creatures who live in the forest and help other animals build a home for them or anything that needs to be done by me. But they are a bit shy so don't startle them too much." I then fly over to them as they look at me as I begin saying to them, "Thank you for coming, we really need your help with the eggs for Easter and preparing them alongside the Yeti's. Would you all be able to do that?" They nod as they begin working on the eggs as I then turn to Sophie who was playing with Bunny, "As for her, I'll have my dragon keep an eye on her at all times."

They all nod as we begin getting Easter done on time. We watch as a huge herd of eggs comes down a hill as North says, 'Rimsky-Korsakov! That's a lot of eggs." I float next to Jack as he asks, "Uh, how much time do we have?" We watch Bunny running and hopping across the Warren with Sophie on his back as the two have fun. As we then see the flowers begin shooting out paint onto the walking eggs as Bunny then says, "All right, troops, it's time to push back. That means eggs everywhere! Heaps of you in every high-rise, farmhouse, and trailer park! In tennis shoes and cereal bowls. Oh, there will be bathtubs filled with my beautiful googies!"

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