Chapter 5

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3rd POV

The ball hits Bunny as he falls asleep as carrots float around him as the ball then bounces hitting the dog as it falls asleep dreaming about bones. North tries to get away only to get hit as well as he falls onto Jamie's bed dreaming about candy canes. Jamie flies out of the bed into Sandy's arms as he then throws a little bit of dream sand knocking out Jamie.

Tera looks at Jack, "This is what you had in mind, Jack?" He looks at her sheepishly, "Whoops." They then watch as North and Bunny's dream come together as the candy cane and carrot dance together as Tera giggles and Jack says, "Oh, I really wish I had a camera right now." Sandy and Tera look at him as they notice something behind her and Jack as Jack notices as well turning around as they see the night terror horses as they begin to run away.

Jack climbs out of the window quickly as he says to the two before flying off, "Sandy, Tera, come on! We can find Pitch!" Tera tries to tell him something, "Wait! Jack! We shouldn't go find him by ourselves..." But he was already gone following the nigh terror horses as she and Sandy look at each other worriedly as she sighs climbing out of the window, "Let's go Sandy. We can't leave him fighting alone now." Sandy nods as the two begin flying out following behind Jack.

Sandy, Tera, and Jack are all flying side by side following the Night Terrors as Jack smiles, laughing a bit, "Yes!" Jack follows one of the night terrors as Sandy gets the other as he turns the night terror back into his gold dream dust as Tera smiles at him, "Nice one Sandy." He bows as he turns the horse into a stingray as they catch up with Jack. Jack is getting closer to the night terror as it goes up a building as Jack shoots his ice getting it as Jack smiles, "I got it!" He climbs up onto the roof seeing what he did as he smiles and yells out, "Sandy, Tera! Did you two see that? Look at this thing.

Behind him appears Pitch as he gets Jack's attention, "Frost?" Jack turns around pointing his staff at him as he tries attacking him as Pitch moves out of the way. Pitch then says to him up on a higher roof, "You know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdos and my diamond. This isn't your fight, Jack." "First off, Tera is not your Diamond. And you made it my fight when you stole those teeth!" "Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth? And why should you even care how I address my Diamond?"

Pitch then looks right next to him, seeing both Tera and Sandy as he gasps jumping back from a bit not seeing them arrive. Pitch then laughs as he then says, "Now these are who I'm looking for." Sandy then makes whips and hits it towards Pitch as he dodges it. Pitch then makes a scythe coming right at Sandy as Tera takes her flower from her ear and transforms it into a sword as she blocks pitches below. The three begin fighting.

As Tera blocks the blows Pitch swings at Sandy uses his whips and attacks Pitch. He then wraps around Pitches wrist as he then throws Pitch in the air and then brings him back down slamming him onto the ground as Tera then says, "Sandy!" Sandy understands as he then tosses Pitch into the air as he comes flying down as Tera changes her sword into a long double-sided hammer as she waits a bit as Pitch falls down a certain distance as she swings hitting him as he flies out crashing into the ground on the street.

 He then wraps around Pitches wrist as he then throws Pitch in the air and then brings him back down slamming him onto the ground as Tera then says, "Sandy!" Sandy understands as he then tosses Pitch into the air as he comes flying down as Tera ch...

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