Chapter 2

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Jack makes ice onto the road as someone steps onto his almost slipping but catches himself as a boy drinking from a water fountain gets his mouth stuck from the now frozen water as his friends see this and begin laughing as well as Jack. He then watches as the same person from earlier slips again falling onto the ground making him laugh a bit more. The ice then begins traveling up the building, freezing the window of a boy's room as it wraps around over to an open window where someone was working as the cold scares a pigeon making wind blowing his papers out the window as the man yells. Jack laughs landing on top of a building as he says "Oh! Now that, that was fun. Hey, wind!" The wind starts coming towards him as he says, "Take me home."

The wind hits him, making him fly into the air as he yells in excitement as he gets back to Burgess, Pennsylvania. It was daylight over there as he fell down towards the ground as he yelled, "Snow Day!" He flies over the streets hoping around and twirling around the air creating a cold breeze and ice as he laughs. He then flies over to a lake sliding creating more ice as he then jumps creating a cold breeze making a book fly out of a boy's hand as he says, "Whoa! Whoa!"

The book lands on the ground revealing it to be a book about mythical creatures. Just as Jake arrives landing on the ground looking at the book, Tera arrives as she hides up in the trees looking at them as the boy goes to pick up the book as Jack says, "Oh, that looks interesting. Good book?" He walks around the boy as some of his friends go over to him excited, "All right! Yeah! Snow day!" Jack chuckles, "You're welcome."

Tera smiles at him as they watch the boy start making his way to his friends, "Hey, guys, wait up! Are you guys coming to the egg hunt Sunday?" The two follow the boy and his friends to his house as his friend says, "I hope we can find the egg with all this snow!" They enter through his back yard through a broken fence as the boy reads out his book, "It says here that they found Bigfoot hair samples and DNA in Michigan! That's like super-close!" "Here we go again." The boy takes his sled as he says, "You saw the video too, Claude. He's out there." Tera hides in the distance listening to them as she giggles to herself softly as she says, "It seems Dex hasn't been too careful lately." Claude then says, "That's what you said about the aliens. And the Easter Bunny!" "The Easter Bunny is real."

Tera looks over at Jack as he walks on the fence as he says, "Oh, he's real all right. Real annoying, real grumpy and really full of himself." Claude then says, "Come on! You guys will believe anything." The boy's sister starts hopping down the steps as she says, "Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hop!" But the dog knocks her down accidently as she yells, "Ow!" The boy then yells out, "Mom, Sophie fell again!" Her mom comes down as she asks, "You okay, Soph?" She helps Sophie as she looks at her son, "Jamie, hat." He groans as his mom comes over to him putting his hat on as she tells him, "We don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose."

Jamie looks at her and asks, "Who's Jack Frost?" "No one, honey. It's just an expression. It's just like saying you're going on a walk-in mother nature." Jack looks at her offended, "Hey!" Tera was a bit saddened by it, but was fairly used to it as well as she watches Jack make a snowball as he says, "Who's Jack Frost? You know what? I'll even feel offended for Mother Nature as well." He then blows his magic in the snowball and throws it as it flies, hitting Jamie in the back."

They watch as Jamie begins to laugh as he then looks around and says, "Okay, who threw that?" Jack flies over to them as Tera follows, hiding behind another tree as Jack says, "Well, it wasn't Bigfoot, Kiddo. Believe me, I even tried to see him once by getting into Mothers Nature's Forest and she has very tight security, even more than North's Workshop."

Tera looks at him surprised not knowing that he has been trying to get inside her forest as she then watches Jamie make and throw a snowball to his friends as one of the girls says, "Jamie Bennett, not fair!" "You struck first!" Jack then throws two snowballs at two other children as they laugh. They all then begin getting into a snowball fight as Jack yells, "Free-for-all!" Tera smiles watching the kids enjoy themselves as Jack skates around making more snowballs saying, "All right, who needs ammo?" A snowball hits Jamie causing him to knock down a snowman as another snowball flies over him hitting the back of a girl's head.

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