Chapter 9

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3rd POV

Jack knew he had to do something as he enters through the window as he then gets an idea and starts freezing the window as it catches Jamies attention as Jack continues and draws onto the window revealing to be an Easter Egg making Jamie gasps a bit as Jack continues to draw on top of a Bunny as Jamie says, "He's real!" Jack then uses his powers making the picture come out to life as it was a snow bunny as it begins hopping around Jamies room making him smile and laugh until it then explodes into the air releasing snow all over as Jamie says, "Whoa! Snow?"

A snow then lands onto his nose as he then realizes as he calls out, "Jack Frost." Jack freezes as well as he turns to Jamie surprised, "Did he just say..." "Jack Frost?" Jamie starts turning around as Jack was in disbelief, "He said it again. He said... You said..." Jamies eyes then land on Jack as he looks at him surprised, "Jack Frost!" Jack begins getting very excited, "That's right! But that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name!" Jack walks up to Jamie, "You said my name!" Jamie stands there in disbelief with his mouth wide open making Jack realize as well, "Wait. Can you hear me?"

Jamie just nods as Jack continues, "Can you... Can you see me?" Jamie nods as the two get excited again, "He sees me! He sees me!" Jack jumps into the air doing a flip as he doesn't realize that Tera's flower came out of his pocket as it begins floating around the air for a bit as he lands onto Jamies table as Jamie says, "You just made it snow!" "I know!" "In my room!" "I know!" "You're real?" "Yeah! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards and the snow days? And you remember when you went flying on the sled the other day?" "That was you?" "That was me!" "Cool!" "Right?" "But my mom told me that was all just Mother's Nature doing."

The two then notice the flower coming down as Jamie catches it, "A flower?" Jack freezes a bit becoming sadden as he says with a small smile, "Mother Nature was always the one cleaning up after my mess... That's her flower..." Jamie looks surprised as he asks, "Mother Nature is real?" Jack nods sadly, "She was... her name was Tera." Jamie repeats him seeming to realize that she is also real as he smiles, "Tera... Tera!" He looks around, "Is she here with you?" Jack shakes his head, "No, she had to leave... Could I have that back?"

Jamie nods seeming to understand a bit handing the flower back to him, "Sorry..." Jack shakes his head, "It's alright... it's not your fault... just the cycle of life I guess..." He holds the flower gently as he remembers the seed and what Tera said as he takes the seed out thinking about it for a moment as he then smiles a bit. He then places it Jamies hands explaining, "She'd want you to have this. To a strong believer... Take good care of it, alright?" Jamie takes a look at the seed smiling nodding, "I will... And I'll always believe in her too..." Jack smiles, "Thank you." Suddenly they see the seed crack as a small green sprouting emerges surprising the two as Jamie says, "Whoa! What happened?"

Jack looked surprised as well as he then says, "You believed in her and made the seed grow..." "That's cool." Jack nods agreeing smiling once again as Jamie then asks, "But what about the Easter Bunny? And Tooth Fairy?" Jack nods, "Real, real, real! Everyone one of us is real." "I knew it!" They then hear Jamies mother outside the door, "Jamie, who are you talking to?" "Um..." Jack nods telling him to tell her as Jamie tells his mother, "Jack Frost?" The mother laughs a bit leaving, "Okay." The two laugh a bit as well as the windows slam open as thunder appear as they look outside seeing that it was no longer lively and bright ever since Tera was gone as it was now dark and daunting.

Jack quickly goes to check as Jamie follows behind him as they see the dark thundering clouds heading their direction. They then see North Sleigh coming down rapidly as it crashes onto the ground in front of Jamies house as Jack quickly goes down to check up on them. Tooth and North sees him as they come down as Tooth says happy, "Jack!" She only flies for a few seconds but drops to the ground as Jack helps her up as she continues, "Jack!" He asks them, "Are you okay?"

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