Chapter 7

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3rd POV

Jack looks at the ground as it reveals broken eggs making a path down the tunnel and Tera's flower right in the middle of some of the broken eggs, "No." He goes running picking up her flower and continues down the path where the broken eggs continue. He finds himself outside where there is an Easter Egg Hunt festival as there were many disappointed kids as Bunny tries to get their attention only to become invisible to them as they lose their faith in him as one walks right through him. Bunny hunches over as Jack carefully walks seeing what has happened as Tooth goes to comfort Bunny.

North spots Jack going over to him, "Jack, where were you?" Jack turns to him seeing North was displeased, "The Nightmares attacked the tunnels. They smashed every egg, crushed every basket. Nothing made it to the surface. Lady Tera's creatures were stopped and seemed out of place for some reason." Tooth then goes over to the two seeing Jack as she calls out, "Jack." She then looks down at his hands seeing his memory box and Tera's flower as she gasps and asks, "Where did you get that? Why do you have Lady Tera's flower?"

Jack tries his best to explain, "I was... It's..." But Tooth looks around not spotting two people, "Where's Lady Tera and Baby Tooth?" Jack didn't know how to explain as Tooth says shocked, "Oh, Jack, what have you done?" North looks at the memory box as he questions becoming a bit mad, "That is why you weren't here? You were with Pitch? Knowing that it wasn't safe for Lady Tera to be there with no support?"

Jack tries explaining, "No, listen, listen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Bunny then comes over saying from behind Jack, "He has to go." "What?" "We should never have trusted you!" Bunny retrained himself from attacking Jack who backed up a bit as Easter then explains sadden and disappointed, "Easter is new beginnings, new life. Easters about hope. And now it's gone." Jack looks at everyone, seeing how he let them down and especially now with Terra gone who brings balance to the world the Guardians are losing hope and time to figure out how they are going to stop Pitch as they turn away from him. Jack takes out the baby doll of North looking at it one last time and then drops it to the ground leaving.

Everyone back at the North Pole are watching the globe as the lights start rapidly losing light meaning kids are starting to stop believing the Guardians making all of them weaker. In the high cold mountains Jack was frustrated of himself and everything as he runs on one of the ledges as he was going to toss his tooth box as he then starts hesitating as he groans in frustration. He looks down at the box as he just holds onto it.

He then hears behind him a familiar voice, "I thought this might happen. They never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that. But I understand." Jack was angry and frustrated as he quickly turns around shooting out some ice towards Pitch as Pitch was fast to block right on time with his black sand as Jack comes running attacking him yelling, "You don't understand anything!"

Jack jumps flipping in the air landing behind pitch throwing more ice again as Pitch turns around blocking it again as he tells Jack, "No? I don't know what it's like to be cast out? Not get my feeling reciprocated by the one I love most?!" Jack jumps back into the air as the two then shoot out their powers at the same time at one another as it creates a sort of magic fog as Jack lands on the ground looking around as he hears Pitch still, "To not be believed in?" Jack hears him behind him as Pitch says, "To long for a family."

Jack points his staff at Pitch for a bit as he hears what Pitch is saying making him slowly lower his guard as Pitch continues, "All those years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like. But now I see I was wrong." Jack lowers his staff as Pitch walks closer to him, "We don't have to be alone, Jack. I believe in you. And I know children will, too."

Jack was a bit surprised, "In me?" "Yes!" He then points over at what the two created when both attacked with their powers as the ice and black sand combined together, "Look at what we can do. What goes together better than cold and dark? And imagine combining that with my Diamonds powers the power of creating life! We can make them believe. We'll give them a world where everything, everything is..." Jack suggests, "Pitch black?" Pitch adds, "And Jack Frost, too. They'll believe in both of us and we get our Diamond all to ourselves."

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