Chapter 8

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3rd POV

10 years old Jack is out playing with his friends in the forest along with Tera. The kids have grown to like her and play around with her and her creature friends as well. Jack runs over to Tera who is sitting on the ground finishing making a flower crown as he quickly sits down next to her, "What are you doing Mother Nature?" She smiles and places the flower crown on his head as some flower sprouts around as she says, "I was making this. It suits you very well Jack." Jack blushes scratching the side of his face a bit, "Thanks..." He then thinks about something, "Hey you know Mother nature."

She looks at him, "Yes Jack?" "When we first met you said that you go by many names right?" She nods, "That's correct." "Well, I was wondering... what's your real name then?" She looks at him a bit surprised again as she chuckles a bit, "You always surprise me with something new Jack. You're very pleasing to hang around with." He smiles, "T-thanks, you too! I like hanging out with you a lot as well!" "Thank you Jack. As for my name, I'm Tera."

He repeats the name, "Tera..." He smiles, "Tera is a really nice name. I like it." "Thank you Jack. I also like your name. It suits you very well." He smiles, "Really thanks! You know Terra all the adults say that if you like someone a lot, very much, where you always want to be with them, then that means that your in love. And when two people are in love then you'll be each others life long partners forever." "Can you be my partner Tera? I promise to always love you forever!" Tera looks at him seeing his sincerity and honesty as she gives him a small smile, "You are a wonderful boy Jack, but that would be impossible for me. I'm way older than you Jack." "I don't care about age, I like you because your you and no one else."

She sighs a bit as she faces him, "That's very nice of you Jack, but even disclosing our ages when you grow older, you're naturally going to forget about me and no longer believe in me. It happens to all children when they begin growing up, and that includes you as well. And as you grow, I'll stay the same for centuries to come and you will be gone. It's impossible for a mortal and immortal being to be together. I'm sorry Jack, but I am sure you will find someone that you'll truly love that isn't me."

Jack seems to be thinking what she said as he then comes with his own conclusion and determination as he stands up, "Alright! So you're saying all that I have to do is to never forget about you and show and convince you how much I love you so you can accept me and give me your love as well. What do you say?" Tera never met anyone like him before and somehow she would like to see him succeed as she smiles a bit, "Alright, we shall see if you can still remember me Jack."

As time passes and Jack grows older he still is always remembering Tera and always hanging out with her with other children even though others his age were starting forgetting about her because they were growing up. But he truly loved Tera very much that he can never forget her while growing up as well. He even had a sister who also loves hanging out with the two as Jack always shows his affection for Tera and win her love. During spring the two would bring the kids to play around as Jack was known as the fun person always bring joy and laughter to the children, "Come on, Jack."

Another time Jack was hanging upside down a tree as the kids yell happily, "Jack, get down from there." Jack then was about to come down as he slips falling until he was caught as he looks up seeing a branch wrapped around his foot as he looks up a bit more seeing Tera sitting up on the tree smiling down at him as she tells him, "I told you have to be careful. What am I going to do with you Jack?" He gives her a loving smile teasing her, "Love me of course." Tera looks at him with wide eyes blushing a bit as the kids laugh a bit as they all continue to play.

Even when they camp outdoors Jack is always making kids laugh and smile having fun as Tera would also join also having fun alongside them. "Jack. You're funny Jack." Tera nods agreeing, "You're all right." Jack turns to her smiling asking, "Really?" She nods explaining, "You are very special Jack. I can see that, you always are putting a smile on children's faces and you're always making sure they are having fun. Never a dull moment do these kids have when you are around. Even when winter arises, many people don't like the winter as I do, but . Thank you." Jack smiles feeling very fuzzy and warm inside making him lover her even more.

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