ch-2 creepy interviewer

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Everyone was having a very nice practice session. Ishan goofing around and teasing everyone like it's his last day. No one would be able to say that he's just debuted because of his actions. He was full on teasing the seniors and even the coaches. In a friendly way of course.

And everyone was enjoying these acts. Bro these wicket keepers-Alag hi hote hai. While many new members must have been like- very shy or something, Ishan was mingling around with everyone as if he'd known them for years.

If anyone was feeling even a little bit sad, just be near Ishan and boom- sadness gone. Why you ask? First of all, his energy. Bro is so energetic all the time, and yk if you stay near him, you will also start to feel energized. How? Idk some aura shit

Second, his scent and pheromones. His scent was like- very happy and calming in itself and Ishan always releases happy pheromones and they will definitely uplift your mood.

Third- he's like- unnaturally wise.
If you're like troubled or sad, just talk to him and he will "✨abracadabra✨" the stress from you with his words.

Once sky asked how he's like- so wise for such a goofball personality of his.

He just replied- "old soul? I dunno"

And threw his stuff toy on shubman's face.

And he also lends anyone his stuff toy if he knows they're feeling down+ It smells just like him and is very soft

So i think it would be correct to say that everyone was enjoying their time with Ishan.

So today, Ishan had an interview scheduled right after the practice. And the interviewer was already there.

He was a tall man, almost a head taller than ishan himself. Probably an alpha..

Shubman noticed that he was giving weird looks to ishan throughout the whole training session. And Shubman wasn't the only one who noticed that. Almost everyone did. Even Ishan. At one point he even asked Rohit if he could postpone the interview but sadly he couldn't.

The interviewer came to Ishan and kept his hand on his shoulder. Ishan got startled but kept a smile on his face

Shubman was about to go to him but was stopped by Virat, who gave him the look which said- "abhi ruk, aage dekhte hai"

Interviewer - "hello Ishan my name is Ajay, nice to meet you!"

Ishan- "hello Ajay I'm fine but could you please remove your hand from my shoulder as I'm like- very sweaty and it would be very uncomfortable for you."

Ajay- "oh, no worries, so tell me, how do you feel traveling with such amazing seniors and companions?"

Ishan- "oh it feels surreal. The amount of support and motivation they offer is almost amazing. And I'm also learning a lot of new things."

Ajay- "any new experiences?"

Ishan- "This whole thing is a new experience in itself ig"

Ajay- "-and how does your omega feel being here, I mean with a group filled with alphas you know?"

Everyone around them looked startled at the question. No one's should ask this question, especially in a professional interview.

Ishan- "excuse me what?"

Ajay- "oh I'm sorry was I rude?"

Ishan- "yes that was very rude dude."

Ajay- "my apologies dear so our team has prepared a little game for you that you'll enjoy very much. Come with me"

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