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And this means nothing, happened galti se

Okay anyways


Today, India was playing against Australia

The Aussies always give a very tough competition and gave a whooping target of 320 runs.


Let's say, it was not their day today. The bowlers seemed kinda agitated and bowled lame balls at them. Many screamed angerly after someone made a six or a four.

So ya, India was 290 with 10 overs left. And Ishan was batting.

It looked like Bro was in a hurry or something. He was just Swinging the ball towards the boundary as if it was his last day.

And there, only 3 runs away from victory

Shreyas, who was in the striking end, carefully managed one run. That ball would've hit his shin if he hadn't reacted on time.

And just like that, just 2 runs away from the

Ishan was in the striking end now.

And the baller made an angry (funny looking) face at Ishan. He was mad as a bull. His face, which should have been pale considering his genes (gora pakoda) was red with anger

Why was he angry? It's not his (Ishan's) fault that he (the newbe baller) was playing bad


These kids

(That kid he's talking about is taller, both horizontally and vertically)

And then he bowled

Ishan got ready to make a move tow- FUCKIN HELL

it was aimed towards his head, it was a bouncer. A badly aimed one.

Sure, he ducked, but it seemed like the bowler balled the bouncer thinking that it was Shubman(a tall person) who's on the strike and not him

"OW" Ishan looked behind and saw that the ball had hit the wicket keeper instead of him

He couldn't help but let out a small- "pfft"while looking at the bowler

But he went towards the wicket keeper to insure if he was okay, which he was.

No worries

After being scolded by his teammates on the field, the bowler bowled a decent ball, which was perfect for Ishan to hit a six.

Which he did.

Jeet gaye

But meh, L bowling from Aussies part.

Tch tch

But anyways


Ishan did a little celebratory dance and hugged his teammates.

Well he'd at least be given a good share of brownies today.

As they went towards the changing room to celebrate and stuff

The shook hands with the Aussies and had a good conversation with some of them.

Ishan noticed how that Bowler had tears in his eyes and how his hands shook.

Ishan felt that

It was his debut match (or probably his 3erd match but whatever)

He's still young

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