ch-4/5? Ishan and hardik centric

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today, it was a boys night out consisting of only Ishan and Hardik. so the thing was that, Ishan was in some serious need of ice cream

his partner Shub, was out with his other friends ( traitor ) and the others basically stopped him from going out because it was getting chilly and Ishan was literally wearing a hoodie.

but yk, cravings got the best of him so he begged his big b, aka Hardik Pandya, to go out with him

Hardik was about to refuse too saying that Ishan just recovered from a fever, a big one at that, but Ishan gave him that look with those eyes. a look which no one could refuse too, so hardik gave inn 

and here he is.

licking his icecream with Ishan clinging to him

well, dont blame Hardik ok?

he wanted to spend time with Ishan anyways. what could be a better time to steal him than now?

Ishan- "aare bhaiya, hold this for a second will you, I just have to go and look for one thing. I'll be back in a sec"

He handed hardik his ice cream and zoomed towards the convince store again.

And now Hardik looked at himself. His and Ishan's ice cream in his hands, then he looked around. Nothing special, empty streets with only one guy in a black attire.


Totaly not sus

Oh it's not, he's been watching to many Hollywood movies already. Gotta stop now.

He eats his ice cream as he stared towards the store wondering when Ishan will be back.

And then he realised that they told Rohit that they'll be back in an hour.

It's been two hours

Oh they're in trouble now

It's a wonder that no one called him alrea-

Suddenly he heard very loud footsteps coming towards him.

It was the same guy with a bat in his hand.

He was coming towards him with a baseball bat?

What's the point of running towards a cricketer with a baseball Bat?

The disrespect fr tho

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE" screamed the man as he stared running towards Hardik

"Who-" he was about to ask but before he could, he was attacked. But thankfully he dodged.

Now on alert, he could smell that the guy was a beta, but a very angry one at that. But he was also drunk af so, eh

"Ayo stop bro- "
The guy swings the bat missing his face but missed by some centi meters

23 cms..bad aim....

'Gotta stop thinking dude' he reminded himself

'Focus on the guy and don't drop
Ishan's ice cream. ' he thought

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE"  the guy reminded him again whole swinging his bat blindly

'How careless' one part of his brain said

'What if he hurt someone'

'That's the fuckin purpose' the other part said


Makes sense

"Dude how did I ruin your life?! I wasn't even in it?" He asked

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