Sleep Demons(or what?)

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This week was very hectic for the team. With continuous practices, meetings and gym sessions, none of them could catch a break.

But all they could do was wait for their break, which was literally a few days away.

So yes, they all just went with the flow.

But Ishan was noticeably getting affected by it.

He had eye bags under his eyes, sloppier performance, late reactions accompanied by a tired look on his face.

Everyone let it pass for a few days

Maybe it's just the stress? Tention? Anything at all?

But no, unfortunately

When asked about it- he just replied with- "didn't't get much sleep last night"

Which they found out was true


Let's see

"Shubman!!" Surya screamed

"Ji bhaiya?"

"Yaar ye ishan ko kya hua hai? He's looking like a zombie these days "

"Aare Mai bhi ye hi pooch Raha hun usse, but he always says that he's sleepy"

"Do you think he's lying?"

"To be honest, I can't say, because he's always awake before I get up, and we go to sleep together and if I wake up in the middle of the night, i usually see him awake"

"Have you seen him sleep"

"Yes actually, whenever he's like- in the bus or like, in the presence of you guys, or anywhere but in the hotel, he sleeps like a baby then"


Well,Surya just kept observing ishan.

Every time he could get a chance, he'd get it.

Take a look at his notes

👶Ishu kishu🧟

1) is tired af

2) does good, but not his best in practice

3) does not engage in any conversations

4) refuses to talk when asked to elaborate

5) sleeps in the bus

6) sleeps when movies are on {not usual Ishu behaviour}

7) eyes almost look dead, did I mention the dark circles

8) applied scent blockers even before going to sleep

9) no more kheekhee's, sadly

10) caught awake by staff at night

11) inhumanly cold body temperature, getting sick?

12) not cuddling with anyone

This all makes sense, enough for him to conclude that Ishan is not sleeping at night, even in Shubman's presence. This is very serious tbh.



Should he snoop around more or just, ask him?

He did the latter

"Hey Ishan! I've been having very weird dreams lately."

"Oh what kind?"

Lack of curiosity Surya noticed

"Oh just me running and falling blah blah. Do you think there might be some reason behind it?"

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