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Kuldeep sighed. It's been a whole day.

A whole day with Ishan acting like- not so Ishan.

He was not jumping around everywhere, trying to climb people just to get them to notice him, not giggling with that 'kheekhee' sound he makes and not even troubling his bestie- Shubman.

So yes,

He was acting very sus.

Sus as in gloomy and sulky. His eyes didn't hold the same shine as they usually did and was just missing his  usual charm.

Even his scent! His usual sweet vanilla scent was kinda..well..bland today.

Everyone tried to make his smile at the practice and whenever they were with him. Cracking extra jokes and fooling around a little more. Even Rohit didn't stop anyone from doing so because he was also worried as hell.

Whenever someone asked him about his mood today, the reply was the same for everyone

"I'm fine...just tired ig?"

Everyone did everything that usually made him smile wide as fuck. And the responses were odd today Like-

Ruffling his hair

He just let them do it bowing his head down.

Pulling his cheek

He just made a weird face

Hugging him

He just hugged back with no real warmth in it

But the last one...bought the twinkling eyes back

Surya bought brownies with ice cream.

His favourite

Just for a minute tho..he didn't even finish his piece..he just ate half and excused himself. And just went back to his room.

So yes

It was a shit day for everybody.

But whatever it was, it was very difficult to see their usual pocket sunshine ki potli in such a gloomy mood.

They even discussed it. While eating their brownies ofc

Even Virat ate it, who usually didn't eat brownies and ice cream.

Don't blame him tho, he also missed teasing everyone with his chotu.

Well.. they'll surely take it out of him tomorrow.


Kuldeep was just going to his room which he shared with Rishab.

Then he smelled something



....and very Very scared.

Surprisingly enough, the smell was coming from Ishan's room.

Which could only mean one thing
(Spolier- it did not mean that thing)

Without thinking, he got inside silently. Expecting to hear sobbing or some crying noice from the room.

What he saw was

Nothing usual

Ishan looked like he was sleeping.

In a hoodie. In Ishan's own hoodie (which was surprising for him as he always stole someone's hoodie, usually Shubman's hoodie, as it was very comfortable for him, when he went to sleep)

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