IV: So They Meet

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IV: So They Meet

Third POV

Izuku froze like a deer.

Sharp and menacing looking crimson eyes stared at him from the safety of the darkness.

Clouds of what looked to be red mist spiraled at the creatures feet when it finally began to reveal itself.

It was human at first glance.


It was an oni that just had a human like face and body.

Izuku watched as a 8'9 figure emerged from the shadows. With slightly tanned skin and a well defined muscular body. Parts of his forearm spiraling to behind their back then to their chest had left red coils resembling tattoos. From spiky looking blond hair, black horns that curled to red tips protruded from the Oni's head. The most prominent features Izuku would say was the large multiple pronged star-like scar on the Oni's stomach.

Izuku slowly stood up as the creature stepped closer and closer.

The Oni's chiseled complexion was relaxed, even as it entered the water. With those beady Carmine eyes he observed Izuku.

His expression, his movements.

All of it.

In amusement, one might add.

Izuku felt like he made a mistake entering the water, as his temperature sky rocketed and his body shook out of anxiousness of the Oni that was now towering over him.

"Are you going somewhere?" The Oni spoke, his tone sounding flat, "I only just arrived."

Izuku gradually shook his head, looking down into the water as he simply couldn't tell what kind of second gender this Oni was.

He didn't feel like just an alpha.

Perhaps an enigma..?

"A-are you the emperor?" Izuku whispered, still looking away, feeling shivers run down his body when the Oni placed his long, veiny hands that had sharp black looking claws, on either side of the ledge of the onsen so Izuku would be trapped.

"That I am," The Oni nodded, giving Izuku a weak smile, "Though, you are different."

"You are my future mate."

Izuku went flushed, gently jerking back when he felt the Oni gently lift up their chin and bring their faces closer.

This Oni was handsome.

But, he was the emperor.

As such, Izuku found him incredibly terrifying.

"You may call me, Katsuki." Katsuki hummed, dragging one of his fingers from Izuku chin down to his neck, inspecting it closely as if he was looking from a mating mark, "If it makes you feel any better."

Izuku swallowed thickly, feeling a trace of unnerving heat follow the parts of his body that Katsuki had touched.

Katsuki pulled back, letting out a sigh.

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