VIII: Thin Twine

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VIII: Thin Twine

Third POV

It was heavily raining the next day.

Izuku could barely open his eyes.

They'd all but swollen and crusted shut.

His lips felt dry and painful, but that couldn't compare to how he felt below.

Just raw and in pure agony.

He could barely move either.

"It's all over," Izuku thought in his head, looking up at the ceiling, hearing the sound of the greater white fronted geese outside, "The living hell is over."

"For now." He whispered aloud, struggling to sit up.

Excruciating in its own right, Izuku sighed and decided to roll over, realizing  Katsuki was not in bed, but the robe he wore was placed delicately on Izuku's body.

Maybe it was a good thing he wasn't here.

Izuku didn't know if he could stand to be face to face with the emperor again after that ordeal.

How naïve Izuku felt, placing his hands to his lower back.

The emperor of the Onis being gentle?

What a ludicrous idea.

In any case, if Izuku wanted to stay alive he needed to suck it up and just keep pushing himself.

Just then, his attention was laid to the rolled up piece of paper and white lotus that laid on one of the opposite pillows.

He sniffed the flower, gently untying the thin piece of twine used to keep the paper together.

To Izuku surprise, it was addressed by Katsuki to him,

"If you are reading this, then I must be gone attending to my other duties. With that being said, I apologize for the other night's pre-pupping consummation. If I'd known you'd react like that I would've approached differently, so please take the flower as a gesture of my regrets."

Following that, was for Izuku to remain in bed and not worry about his lessons or having to see Katsuki for he'd be in another bed chamber for the time being until things have settled.

Izuku put aside the letter, swallowing briskly at it.

With what Katsuki had written, it's not like Izuku was expecting anything more.


For Katsuki to leave, without them getting really talk was a shame.

"Try to get to know him, she said," Izuku recalled Uraraka's words, "Be quiet and submissive and out of sight he said."

All of their advice contradicted one another.

Izuku wasn't going to get anywhere with Katsuki.

Let him be blissfully ignorant and act like a broodmare for the rest Onis was the message he was recieving.

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