XI: Running Away

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XI: Running Away

Third POV

Evening was approaching once again.

Katsuki's quill pen wrote furious to address the current predicament of keeping the twin chief of Hisui in holding for a prolonged amount of time.

He needed to take action, so now he was.

Just then, his train of thought was interrupted when a knock sounded at the door.

"My emperor, it is I, Aoyama." Aoyama's voice rang from other side of  the sliding doors to Katsuki's study, "Apologies for the interruption."

"What is it?" Katsuki gritted his teeth, putting down the brush now that his flow was gone.

"Your fated omega requests something of you." Aoyama's sly voice responded, making Katsuki shoot up at the mention of Izuku.

He moved quickly to the door opening to come face to face with Izuku's sworn assistant.

"My liege has asked if you'd like to join him in the bath." Aoyama restated, a grin on his face knowing his emperor was more than delighted to hear Izuku was seeking him out after some time.

"I'll be there, shortly." Katsuki nodded, hiding the bubbling excitement within his body.

He gave Izuku space as promised, but it was driving him mad.

For the meager amount of time they spent in each other's presence he simply couldn't the rising feelings he felt for the omega.


Katsuki let out a sigh, walking back to his table, spotting rolled up paper seal with a piece of twine and wax seal.

• • •

Izuku sunk himself deep into the warm water of the onsen.

He looked up to the sky, staring at the multiple scattered stars that decorated the night.

Water droplets trickled down the nape of his neck and his shoulders as he lifted his hands and raked his hair back.

He'd invited Katsuki.

Now what?

His face flushed and his heart began to race.

He wasn't sure why, but he felt the Oni emperor approaching.

"The pre-pupping was a successful if you're able to determine my closeness." Katsuki's voice rang out, grinning in amusement to the nervous look on his omega's face, "Good evening, Izuku."

"G-good evening, Katsuki." Izuku bowed his head, reading his back onto the side of the onsen, not wanting to stare at the emperor who had no shame in putting his nude form on display.

Izuku's glance inspected Katsuki from bottom to top when the emperor had entered the water.

"Do I still frighten you?" Katsuki questioned, taking slight precaution as he inched his way over to Izuku.

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