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It was about midnight and I was feeling down about many things so when Andy came back and saw me taking a small shot of his vodka and started to get mad
" what the hell do you think you're doing "
" Are you serious I've been here for a week and a half and you have been drunk every one of those days and you have the audacity to get mad at me that I took a sip of your vodka "
" god you're just like your mother "
" what "
" you heard me you're an entitled brat who's only here for a good time "
" you're the one that slept with her and you two are more alike than you think "
He slapped me on the right side of my face and I continued
" what do you like causing pain so did she you like to drink and she liked drugs "
Surf started to show her teeth at him as he started to make a fist. He saw this and started to stare her down
" calm down or I'll- "
" don't you dare finish that sentence if you hurt her I'll make you wish you'd drown on dry land with that drink "
He took a small step back then he came back with a punch on the other cheek and it happened so fast Surf didn't have time to react
" get the hell out of my house and take that bitch with you it seems you all stick together "
" you act like that word doesn't mean power you're afraid of "
I walked out with Surf on my heals and the first thing I saw was Bax frozen on the edge of the small lawn
" What did you come for your pound of flesh too god knows I have enough of it "
His mouth opened a little and his eyes blinked rapidly and I let out a little laugh and started to walk off. After a few seconds, he was next to me
" what just happened "
" It's nothing, Bax "
" Kimberly "
I stopped because he doesn't call me that so I knew it was serious. I turned to face him and that's when a tear fell from his eye
" my god "
" my mom did way worse it's fine "
I pushed back a stray strand of hair on my left side
" but it's not come on Kimberly you are coming to mine no questions "
" fine "
I knew it would be like talking to a wall if I tried to say no. When we walked into his house he led me to the bathroom and I saw the damage I let a tear fall and then another and another and suddenly his minty salty scent filled my nose and his arms wrapped around me. I moved my hands from my face to around him and I felt bad at the moment when I first dug my nails into his back but I let up and I just let myself cry and he just healed me. Eventually when I started to let go so did he. He gave me a small smile and then said
" hey can I look at this "
He lightly rubbed his thumb over the scratch on my cheek where I was punched and I nodded. I just stood there and let him clean it and then he kissed his pointer and middle fingers on his right and and gently placed them over my swollen left cheek. With that small sign of affection, I snapped and said
" Bax why are you so focused on me I haven't been here that long and I'm nothing special "
" you're joking right have you seen yourself "
" no Bax I don't understand what you see "
" look I know you're used to American guys but I'm not like them I promise "
I took a breath bringing myself back down to reality
" you're right I'm sorry I'm just lost right now "
" it's ok let's go to the kitchen and get a snack or something "
" Yeah "
I followed him and found myself on Instagram and in my DM scrolling back
" hey what one do you want "
He asked pointing at some options
" oh let me see "
I walked over and took the last one of a bar and he reached for it
" no no, you said this was an option "
" but I want it "
" well you need to learn you don't get everything you want "
" fine "
I bumped into the fridge and a photo fell he was still picking something out so I grabbed the picture and flattened it mindlessly and when I put it back up I saw her Wren with her arm around him and another woman
" what the fuck "
" what "
He looked at me and it fell into place
" Now I get it you're just continuing what she started "
" what "
" that fucking girl sent me so many DMs because of a fucking photo and I see you with her what is she your girlfriend and you two get off on stuff like that "
" oh my fucking god no that's my sister and I know she bullied people on our old team but I have no idea what you're talking about I swear "
" here have you're fucking bar "
I threw it at him and collected my things and Surf and I left and called summer
" hey "
" hey I'm sorry but umm could I stay the night "
" yeah I'll send you my address "
" thank you "

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