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Vegas pov
Poppy's brother Manu picked us up in his van and took us to the beach I was so happy that he didn't have any issue with Surf being in the van. When we got to the beach I was just looking around not paying attention to what the others were doing but then Manu walked over to me and said
" so summer tells me that you want to learn to surf well I have a few boards you can use ok "
I vaguely remember Poppy saying something about a surfing school
" oh I umm thank you "
" just don't brake them "
He went off at talked to someone summer for a minute and before I knew it all of the boards were out of the back and he was driving off
" ok Vegas here take this one and this bag and follow me "
Bax said and I did and we all made our way to the water
" ok don't look at them ok we're going to start on the sanding have you ever skateboarded before "
" yes I'm ok at it "
" Ok so you know how you balance yourself yeah that's the main idea ok "
He set the bard down on the sand
" ok so watch what I do "
" yes sir "
I said in a joking tone and he laughed and I watched as he pretended to paddle and then pop up and position himself and he pretended to ride a wave
" ok so do what I just did "
" ok "
I did and he was laughing a little
" what tell me what I did wrong "
" your pop up is a little slow you'll be pummeled by a wave "
" ok fine I'll do it again "
And so I did over and over and over till my arms ached
" yes there you go Vegas yes "
I got up and he spun me around in a hug I felt silly but happy all at the same time
" ok ok put me down B "
He stopped still holding me up
" did I just get a nickname "
" yes now please set me down "
" ok come on let's go "
" what "
I said as he was starting to head towards the water with his board under his arm
" well you need to get a feel for it in the water I promise I won't let you get hurt "
" fine "
We went in just far enough that the water was up to under his arms
" ok so try to paddle a little ... ok good now just hold on a little wave ... perfect now do you feel comfortable just sitting here "
" what why "
" just to get a feel for the the um "
" energy that the water has "
" YES "
And I could only smile and he just looked at me with a little smile and then continued
"I'm sorry I said that a little too loud "
" it's ok I can tell you're just itching to catch a wave go on I'll be ok right here "
" ok "
He said in almost a whisper and then left me there I just watched as he caught a wave and I could feel the shift in the water it was like it was pulling me out further from the shore. I was just sitting there when I looked up and I saw as the wave was cresting
" dive Kimie dive "
I heard Poppy tell but I got scared in a way and I got the board to turn and then I started to paddle. I took a breath and told myself that I was just about to stand on a skateboard and then I don't know how but I was up and I felt as if everything melted away and I was just there in that single moment. After a few moments of just being up, I felt the energy disappearing so I just dropped down into the water letting it wash over me with its final bit of power. When I broke the surface Bax was nearly over to me
" oh my god Vegas that was incredible "
I was struggling to get back on my board so he got off his and hugged me then helped me back on. We all made our way back in and as soon as we were back on the sand Bax picked me up and before I knew it he kissed me just quick but it was enough to make us both smile.

When Manu came and picked us up they were all talking over one another it was hard to keep it all straight. He dropped some of us off at summers house and right as she unlocked the door she said
" hey so I'm going over to Aris cool "
" Yeah "
" ok have a good night "
She said and they were off and it was just me and Bax
" soo "
I said walking into the house and he followed as soon as the door was closed he practically yelled
" you caught your first wave! "
" yeah I did "
I was walking to the kitchen and smiling to myself and when I turned to say something to him he had a ball of fabric in his hands
" what's that "
I said as I put a box of pasta on the counter
" well the other day you were so excited when you saw this and then you got sad and left it and so I found it online and I ordered it and I was going to save it for your birthday or something but it seems like the perfect time so here you go "
He held his arm out straight and a big smile on his face I took it and I checked the size instantly and it was the right size. I put it back because in the shop they didn't have the correct size. and then I tried to cover and said
" This was too expensive I can't just take this Bax "
" well fine then I won't get you anything for your birthday ok does that work "
" fine ok hang on let me go put it on "
I went into the spare room that my stuff was in well some of it because Andy threw some out that night he kicked me out and I got it a day after. I put on a pair of black straight-leg jeans, a black tank top and then the top that Bax gave me and it fit perfectly and then I put on a tri-set of silver necklaces and then I rushed down and when I walked into the kitchen he was on his phone but instantly dropped it to his side and his mouth fell open and I just stood there smiling because it was an odd feeling like I was letting someone see me for the first time in so long. As I stood there I couldn't help but smile and cry at the same time
" I'm sorry I know it's stupid for me to cry "
" do you feel good in it in everything "
All I could do was nod otherwise I would burst out crying
" oh come here "
He hugged me and then when I stepped back he said with a little smile
" hey can I take a picture of you I swear it's only for my contact picture of you because when I put in my number I put one and I'd like to have one of you "
" you do realize that you overexplained the hell out of that simple question "
" yeah I did didn't I "
" yeah and yeah you can just first is my face red or any marks showing  "
" no "
I stepped back a little and then smiled big and I could hear as he clicked the button multiple times.
" do you want to look at them "
I just smiled
" no, I trust you "

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