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Bax pov
When she fell asleep I just stayed there looking at her and I noticed that she looked like she had lost a little weight but I pushed the thought out. I could hear Summer yelling about something so I reluctantly got up and back out to the party
" what is Torres on about this time "
" I don't know something about the comp I think she found some alcohol "
Marlon sighed
" perfect "
I wove in and out of the crowd until I was next to Ari
" hey mate is she drunk "
" umm yeah "
" get her out of here in fact it's late "
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned off the music
" Time to go everyone "
They all groaned but left. When the backyard was empty I had this sense of sadness like I was completely alone now that the place was quiet and the party lights were still on. I looked back up at the house and I saw that the lamp was on, I thought I turned it off before I left the room. I made my way upstairs not looking at the mess I'll have to clean tomorrow and when I opened the door she was under the covers and the lamp was on next to the bed. I walked over to turn it off I saw her phone in her hand and the charger in the other
" oh Vegas "
I laughed to myself plugged it in and put it on the nightstand and crawled into bed trying to keep some distance between us.
" good night you're beautiful "

Vegas pov
When I woke up I was surprised to find that Bax was on one side of the bed and I was on the other. I quietly got up took my phone off the charger and went downstairs. As I went down the steps I started to pick up the trash that found its way there. I found the trash bags and that's when I saw the time it was almost 6 in the morning
" wow "
I whispered to myself I haven't seen 6 am in a while. I made my way outside and started to clean up the backyard.
" my god how many drinks do people need "
I sniffed one by accident
" whoa yep that's alcohol ... wow "
I put the crushed cup into the bag. Slowly the green, pink, red, and blue cups disappeared from the yard and the bag was beginning to get full. Just as I was looking for the next thing that I needed to clean up his silky voice filled the air
" what are you doing it's 6:30 am "
" Well I woke up and well I just kinda started "
As the words were falling out of my mouth I started to notice that I don't even have the smallest bit of tiredness left in my body.
" well you didn't have to I'm the one who decided to have the party "
" Yeah "
I started taking inventory of my mind and my feelings. My eyes fixed on a cup I haven't grabbed yet
" yet since we're both up shall we go have a sunrise surf "
He hugged me and then he still had his arms around my waist
" god yes this is why I "
I stopped and then he stepped away
" come on then let's get going "
We quickly got ready and made our way to the nearest beach and as we sat there waiting for a wave I got distracted by the colors of the changing sky
" B look "
I said as the sky changed from a deep blue to orange and then to pink and then I watched as a perfect wave started to come towards us. We turned and the next thing I knew we were both up and riding the wave and for a moment it felt like nothing else mattered in the world and that everything was finally going to be okay.

Bax pov
I woke up when I rolled and found the other side of the bed cold and empty. I got up and saw her in the backyard picking up the rubbish
" what is she doing "
I looked at the time and then made my way down and noticed that the steps were cleared. I saw her lost in her own world trying to be quiet but failing and I saw her say something to herself
" what are you doing it's 6:30 am "
" Well I woke up and well I just kinda started "
She looked down clearly focusing on something
" well you didn't have to I'm the one who decided to have the party "
" Yeah "
She looked lost in whatever it was that she was focused on
" yet since we're both up shall we go have a sunrise surf "
I hugged her and moved back a little my arms still hanging around her waist
" god yes this is why I "
Love you I mentally added and I stepped back because it felt like that word hit me with full force and I didn't know how to stand it
" come on then let's get going "
We sat there waiting for a wave and I watched as she looked at the sky with a little smile I'm sure she didn't know is melting my heart
" B look "
She said as the sky changed from a deep blue to orange and then to pink and I could tell that orange was her favorite. I watched as a perfect wave started to come towards us. We ended up on the wave together and I felt my heart smile in a way when I saw how happy she was and she didn't hide it. From the way that her smile was a little lopsided and her eyes clean of any and all makeup. The way she was just in her body not trying to hide any part of it. I felt like I was finally getting a chance to be truly happy and dare I say loved.

When we were walking back to my house after the swell died I tried to hand her the last bite of the protein bar that I had she just kept talking about the waves that she caught and so I just ate the last bite. When we got back she was taking a shower and I was cleaning up the last bits of the house and just thinking about how I feel about her. I swear Wren just has this sense when I'm happy and she just can't have that so she has to go and do something that she knows will hurt me. My phone was ringing with her name on the screen and I reluctantly picked up
" what do you want "
" I wanted to talk to you about the bitch that's seemingly- "
" I'm sorry what are you talking about "
" come on Baxter what do you see in her I know it's not her body "
" what the hell is wrong with you Wren you run around acting like .. like "
" Like what Bax "
" like you're the queen of the fucking world and that you're perfect and everyone else is garbage "
" well it's not my fault "
" but it is you pick people apart till there's nothing left of them but the shell you want them to be "
" oh please that girl is fine "
" no, she's not and it's because of you that she looks at herself in this messed up way because you convinced her that's how people see her and it's not how I see her Wren"
" god do you hear yourself that she's nothing but an over-"
" you shut up that girl I think I'm in love with her and not for just her body but she's not like anyone I've ever met and I'm sorry that you can't see that wren goodbye "
I hung up. I started to chop up some fruit when I cut my finger
" FUCK "
Within seconds she was downstairs in nothing but a T-shirt of mine
" what what what "
She looked terrified
" I cut my finger it's fine "
" come on let me help you "
She got the first aid kit and we sat down at the island she started to clean it and soon she had it bandaged up. I looked at her her hair still dripping and she had put on a gray short sleeve shirt that said ' I'm trying my best ' in scratchy writing
" so not that I'm mad but umm the outfit "
She looked down  and smiled
" well you see I heard this yell and so I just grabbed the first thing I could and rushed down here in fact the shower is still on "
I laughed
" ok well thank you "
" Yeah "
She grabbed a blanket off the couch and then wrapped herself in it and went back upstairs.

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